My little Ezra Joseph Robert Rideout born at 7:25 pm July 31st, 20inch and 8lbs 10oz :)
Started my induction at 2 pm, dr tried to break my water at 3 with no luck, tried again at 7 and it broke, since I had polyhydramnios there was a lot of extra fluid and the risk was that he would land on the umbilical cord which is what happened and I was rushed into an emergency csection. I was still awake when they cut me and I was on no pain meds so I felt everything. I fell asleep right after that and Ezra was out in 2 min. I woke up after half hour and got to hold him ♥️
My little man latched 😊 not so much on my left but did very good on my right. Didn't get to experience this with my first so I'm very happy.
He's a very calm baby and I can't wait for his brother to meet him tomorrow.
Any advise that can be given about breastfeeding and or csection healing please do!
I’m so sorry about your emergency c-section. I’m sure that was scary. So glad baby boy is healthy and happy.
I just had my son last week and my milk came in a few days ago. We’re still working on the latching issues. He does great on my left, but latches too shallow on my right. I have a nipple shield I’ll be trying tomorrow. I have been using nipple cream every day. Don’t get discouraged is the best advice I can give you. My little guy has been nursing around the clock, but now I finally have plenty of milk. Latch your little one as much as possible. It’ll get better soon.
He’s a little angel. Wear a binder, it helps with the pain and that feeling of “my insides are going to fall out” every time I stand up or bend over. Try not to overthink the breastfeeding, I think a lot of women psych themselves out. Congrats 🎉