Sorry i needed to rant.
Shits pissing me off.
9 days late 9!! Ive NEVER been this late besides pregnant with my son. My cycles are regular, and 28-30 days cycles. Had a blood test and pregnancy done 3 days ago.
I get damn undies on and off nausea and migraines, joint pain in my hips. Im so freaking frustrated and annoyed!! Im pretty sure its all just in my head 😔😔
It's frustrating when you feel like you are pregnant but your not. I delt with this shit a lot. But I have never been regular with my periods so to me I just started getting over it and not testing every time I was late. I think I was over 20 days late this time when I ended up throwing up stomach acid and red dye 40 I was like okay I should probably test but I figured I missed it because I was stressed was so wrong this time I was like 9 weeks or further when I found out it was so weird at my first ultrasound baby had arms hands legs and feet already and was a total wiggle work like haha mommy you fooled your self so give it time and don't let anyone's words bother you