Ok ladies I'm not sure when I was ovulating but I had like one day of "spotting" because it was pretty much one whipe and that was a pinkish/red color, I took 2 test they were invalid and I took one this morning @721 am and it is negative but it looks really faint to me and my husband and I think I mite be because I still been having alot of symptoms of baby on my period app it was the 22nd the "spotting" happend so maybe I'm testing to early? I will add the two pictures.
Set of opk and pt will help track ovulation I bought from Amazon and tested everyday for ovulation from day 1 cycle to see the faint to dark on test and know better
I'm irregular with my periods so it's hard to track ovulation since I work 1pm to 10 PM alot:/, but I had some cramping after the 22nd so maybe I am testing to soon or early?
I see what you're seeing on the ept. Call clearblue and let them know about the faulty digitals. They should replace or send you a coupon to replace them. I know how hard it is to wait but try testing again in the morning.