@k_nc, yeah, it’s something I did with my first, he’s 1 year old already. Breast fed him until he was 11 months and still have a few from when I started feeding him. ;)
@linda.michel, yeah we had the same ones we loved them for storage! Also if it’s mostly colostrum I would save some just in case baby gets really sick later down the road (especially during flu season) cause it’ll help them get better faster! Just food for though 😊
I’m sure you already know this but try not to store the milk in bottles when you freeze! I don’t think it lasts as long but also when you thaw it it takes FOREVER 😅
@linda.michel, thanks, I was breastfeeding. But my daughter wasn’t latching on fully so for a week I didn’t pump. My milk went from 8oz per pump to only 2oz I been eating oatmeal not knowing it helps ur supply milk to for like two or three days. So today I finally pumped for 10mins n got 6oz I’m so happy cause I thought I was gona have to just do formula. Hopefully by the end of next week she’ll be only breast milk again
@rickyrayates93, but in your case, if you wish to increase supply, you shall pump at least 8 times for 15-20 minutes a day, as my lactation consultant advices.
@rickyrayates93, I actually pump for 15 minutes on average of every 4-6 hours. So, if I pump at midnight after feeding, I pump for 15 minutes, then again around 4am or 6am depending on how full I am.
@rickyrayates93, I do drink plenty of water, eat oatmeal and also breastfeed on demand offering both breast on each feeding! And also my body isn’t regulated yet apparently. I have to pump after every 2-3 feedings since my breasts get too full.
@laniejay, Thanks for the advice. I try to be as careful as possible and I’m trying to avoid pumping as much as I can, but unfortunately, I only pump for no more than 15 minutes and still get up to 18oz, about 3-4 times a day.
@linda.michel, if this is from pumping- just be careful pumping so early, you’ll create an oversupply. It’s not going to regulate if you’re telling your body it’s needed. It’ll increase your supply