So I had my baby at 12:46am but I’m asking for prayers or any good vibes sent my baby & my way. I had to have an emergency csection (never had one before either so still freaking out that I had one) because my placenta abrupted & now they transferred my baby to another hospital to give him care that this hospital doesn’t provide since he can not breathe on his own and he is going to be getting blood transfusions as well & they are saying it can go either way for my baby and I’m literally heartbroken and had no where to let out this except to you mommies on here that have been so helpful and supportive and positive to me.. I’m sharing a picture of him but he is hooked up to machines.. please keep my baby in your good thoughts & that he’ll pull through.. the most traumatizing experience I’ve ever had & I’m so worried about my little baby..
@momof3qtpies, he’s still in the nicu undergoing the cooling process which he’ll be doing for the next 72 hours for them to try and get as much oxygen as possible to his brain. His vitals are good so far and he has okay brainwaves so far but they have to do a MRI after they warm his body back to normal temperature to make sure nothing was damaged during the abruption. I’m really hoping he will be alright, it’s definitely weighing so heavy on my heart and his fathers heart him not being with us here. I appreciate you checking in on him, it’s been so overwhelming.
Praying for you guys!!! My sil had the same tjing happen to her but she was only 25 weeks when it happened and it wasnt a good outcome.... i have gaith and im praying for your son! 🙏🙏
Prayers to you mom, I was a nicu mom from an emergency csection delivery so i can only imagine what are feeling. May God bless your beautiful baby 🙏🏽❤️
Praying that he makes a speedy recovery he’s sooo handsome ❤️ I’m sure he will be just fine these lil babies are much stronger than they get credit for , heads up momma
@amberm12 your son is so beautiful. I know it's impossible not to worry, so I won't advise that you don't, but he's going to pull through, he's going to be just fine. Sending out so positive energy into the universe for your perfect little boy ❤❤❤
@missjess, not at all, I was 41 weeks already. My placenta just erupted out of nowhere & they don’t know how long he was in my belly not getting oxygen which is why they hooked him up to a respirator immediately 😔 thank you so much mama !!
Thank you everyone, I’m going to try to get some rest now since i haven’t been able to sleep but I am so appreciative of all the support you ladies give. Thank you for keeping my baby in your good thoughts and prayers.
Prayers for your baby. Idk if you are religious but I believe and have faith that your little one will be healed and stronger than ever...there's an angel at the new hospital who will wrap their wings around your baby. Keep hope alive