
Can a Well-Behaved Child Have ADHD?

Ladies i need help. I dont have any experience with Adhd but I myself was diagnosed with Add and Odd as a child so i was on Ritalin for a bit. Anyway my son has tested positive for ADHD markers, so there Going to go ahead and test him for it. Has anyone had a well behaved child have adhd? I always associated it with bad behaved kids. When he was a baby he didn't cry, didn't have tantrums, never hit or bit anyone, hes always been good. But once hes around other kids he gets these massive energy Bursts, and its impossible to get him to sit still or anything now. Hes also now doing mindless things, like picking paint off my walls, and picking at my sunroof in the car.

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26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I was a well behave chikd with adhd.. they wanted to give me ritalin cuz even tho i would listen pretty well i was really distracted and kinda hyper and they thoiggt it woukd help me but my parents didnt allow ot saying that i was just a kid being a kid..
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had adhd... it isn't a bad kid behavior at all, it is an inability to sit still behavior and a lack of focus behavior. He isnt really thinking about what happens to the wall when he picks at the paint, it is a "hey this paint is chipping, cool, wonder what color was under it, or how much I can get off with my fingers"... honestly most of the not thinking things that adhd kids do like that are meant to be helpful or curious
26.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
What kind of markers do they look for? My 3.5 year old is like the energizer bunny 24/7. People say it’s the age but I’m not sure. 🤦🏻‍♀️
25.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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