I downloaded this app to be able to connect w. Other mothers, to get advice, and share stories about the hard knock life of motherhood. Of course all of our babies are blessings but I know I can’t be the only one struggling w. Coping to be a stay at home mom...

I’m honestly struggling w. PPD and now finding out I’m pregnant again so soon... I’m coping...

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My last day as a stay at home mom I go to work tomorrow yay 😊 I CAN'T DEAL LOL LOSING MY WHOLE MIND AND I KNOW ITS A LITTLE EARLY CUZ I JUST HAD MY BABY 3WEEKS AGO 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ I have 4kids not worried at all.
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mortonmining, they will take up a lot of time but you should find hobbies to get into as well... my boyfriend just started a full time work schedule and I’m getting into yoga and my first born’s swim classes... if you don’t stay occupied mind body and soul it will only get worse!
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@caseyann19, thank you and I feel for you. I’ve had depression way before I was pregnant and a lot of things went wrong during my first one so I feel like I’ve been in a downward spiral since... but I’m happy for you for wanting to reach out to a doctor. That’s really one of the first steps to getting out it
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sam.momx5, same it’s so hard finding anyone even in my own family to trust w. Watching my baby so I haven’t been able to be away from her really unless my boyfriend is watching her... but now he’s working full time(to get us ready for the next baby and Christmas season is a lot of important dates as well) so I know I’ll be alone even more
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’ve been a SAHM for nearly 15 years. I’ll admit that I have worked outside of the home intermittently, however, circumstances always bring me back home. I struggle with it daily because I feel God has a calling for me outside of my home, but that I can’t accomplish that until my children are no longer at home full time. I also struggle with feeling worthless and hopeless daily because I feel like I wasted 9 years of my life getting my degrees and now we’re in more debt for my education than anything else and I’m sitting on my hind end at home while my husband works his tail off day in and day out.
As SAHMs we do our best to teach our children everything they need to know. Manners, social interaction, life skills, colors, numbers, letters, and most of all love. For some of us, being SAHM means we make sacrifices in order to do what’s best for our kids. Others thoroughly enjoy being SAHM. When depression is added to the mix, being home with children can seem to greatly intensify the feelings of isolation.
I’m sorry you guys are experiencing PPD while adjusting to being SAHMs.
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m new to being stahm, me and my husband have been together for 7 years almost 8 and married a lil over 3 years. We used to spend every minute of the day together, he never worked and I was always by his side helping him with anything... we found out I was pregnant and he and his family decided he needed a nice job, now he works. I’ve never been by myself so much before, he comes home tired and frustrated a lot! And all I want is to hangout and stay up and talk with him, I’ve been feeling like he has a whole new life of his own and I’m not his main priority anymore..... I keep telling myself when baby gets here I’ll be more distracted, 🤞🏼🤞🏼. It may not be ppd but it is depression and I’ve cried more since he’s been working then I have since we’ve been together....... it’s hard.
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mamabunnzzz, I’ve been struggling with PPD for over a year now. I had depression before pregnancy and then it just worsened afterwards so not sure if it’s PPD or what but it’s ridiculous. I’m also a stay at home home and even though I only have one child it’s really hard. My anxiety keeps me from working (luckily SO doesn’t want me to anyways and I don’t trust people with my daughter) but my depression is literally ruining some of the best times with her. I’m coping with it and haven’t been put on medication yet but I’m really considering talking to my doctor next month when I take my daughter for her 18 month check up because it’s really getting out of control. I’m not much help when it comes to this stuff but my inbox is always open even if you just need to rant/chat/cry.. it doesn’t matter. It takes a village momma and with depression we definitely all have to stick together! I really hope that your struggle eases up and you get some peace. 💖
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m a STAHM and I hate it. But hubby makes enough money for it and I don’t trust people with my kids. But as you can tell by the ages of mine I got depression bad this time around when I found out too. Message me if you ever need to talk. I know exactly how you feel
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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