@kate_smith, I’ve got some suggestions but as I have lived in UK and Australia I am not sure which are available in which country as my step son prefers to watch YouTube and musicals.
Sofia the first (niece and nephew love this one)
Dora the explorer
Mr tumble
Bear and the big blue house (might not be on tv anymore)
Peg and cat (niece in Australia loves this one)
@aussiebub I couldn't find the original study (I am not being rude, I am a scientist, I've been trained not to believe everything I read online), but I see their point. Children do copy what they are exposed to, be it their parents, friends or characters in cartoons... Yet, I haven't found anything else quite as age appropriate for my daughter that she would respond to so well yet :( hence the question to all the mums around here really! In Peppa's defence, although she is not little miss perfect and it is really badly drawn, the language is good and repetition - even non English speaking kids learn language from it very quickly. Must be something to it afterall!
@kate_smith, yeah I bet she does! Lil man don’t sit for long watching tv but as soon as they start singing he’s ready to dance lol and it holds his interest as their baby animals, bright colours, they talk as if talking to him asking questions etc basically learning all the same things as he’s learned or is learning, so he can relate I guess xx
@mrsmowmow you recon? Daria doesn't answer the screenen... I think I would need to sit with her and watch together. Which is ideal of course... Unfortunately I usually do housework while she is glued to the TV...
@babycakes88 thank you!!! Especially love anything I can find on Netflix, I don't get to use my subscription that much, this would justify having it! ;)
@aussiebub have they? I haven't heard!!! I know that a lot of mums don't show it to their kids because Peppa is a little spoilt turd. Daria has a lot of negative behaviours, so I was thinking it is actually good for her to see how Peppa is told off and correcting the way she acts. Maybe I'm wrong!!
@anika7 @reduplikate русские тоже хочу, даже больше чем английские! Это очень грустно, но дочка безумно любит мультики и язык из них учит кажется даже лучше, чем из реальной жизни, а говорит в основном по английски пока, надо русский внедрять!
Деревяшки прямо сейчас смотрит пока я мелкого кормлю и тут строчку. Вещь! Спасибо! Первое впечатление как откмалышариков, только нарисовано хорошо!
@anika7 как тебе повезло!!! А моя как будто живёт ради мультиков по вечерам, когда я мелкого укладываю. Когда я раз в неделю глажу и даю мультики, что бы с утюгом не безобразничала, вообще праздник :( все время из просит :( наверно я очень скучная мама! @reduplikate твой тоже к мультиками спокойно относиться?
@kate_smith, yeah Word Party is on Netflix. Yeah give it a go, lil man loves it with all the singing etc even has me up & dancing with him when the songs comes on 😂
@kayleeebeee thank you!!! That's a lot of suggestions! We've only tried paw patrol, Daria keeps asking for it, but I'm not convinced she understands it yet...
@they-see-me-trollin thank you!! I think Daria might have overindulged on little baby bum in December when she got lots of cartoons in the car during our two week road trip across Europe... Do they have anything apart from nursery rhymes?
@x-t-x I didn't know it was on Netflix! I was showing it in YouTube. I bet it's better quality!
Thanks,I'll give world party a go as well :))
Sofia the first (niece and nephew love this one)
Dora the explorer
Mr tumble
Bear and the big blue house (might not be on tv anymore)
Peg and cat (niece in Australia loves this one)