Angelina Rodriguez
Angelina Rodriguez
I feel like I'm getting PPD...

All I do is cry at night. Sometimes I'll look at my daughter and just start bawling my eyes out. I start to think back about my pregnancy experience with her and it makes me so upset. I honestly felt like I didn't really get to experience birth and have that connection with my daughter because I had a emergency C-section and had to be put under. I didn't get to hold her or see her little face first. Even after I woke up I was so out of it and numb that I couldn't even hold her really. I started to get this envy towards people when I see them bonding with her and holding her , that I almost want to cry. I love my daughter to death and am slowly feeling a better bond with her.

Then on top of that , my boyfriend works out of state. He came a day before my induction date to spend the day with me , stayed for athe hospital stay, and then a day and a half before he had to fly out with baby girl and I. After he left I started to get really depressed as well and have to catch myself from not texting "I feel unhappy and that we have drifted apart" I know it's because I'm depressed and he's far away and work so much that we don't get to talk much. I just can't stop getting the feeling that he doesn't want me, or I'm going to to ruin us by speaking on my feelings in the moment ..

I just feel like I'm falling apart , that's only two of the things bothering me alot right now.. if you made it this far into my post , thanks for listening. I needed to rant 😔 ..

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@reneebaee_ thank you lots ❤❤
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@heidi3581 and you're fine ! It she'd light on this on my side and makes me know it's normal and something that happens . Thank you for your experience and advice. I hope things get better better for you on your end btw , keep your head up and stay strong ❤
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@heidi3581 thank you. That really does help to hear your experience and to know it starts to get better. She doesn't really smile or anything and kinda just eats, poops, stares, and sleeps, she cry's but not like non stop or through the whole day on and off. When she does smile and does her little faces and stuff and does make me feel so close and happy to see that (not that I'm not happy with her as it is) right now she is the one thing keeping me going. If it wasn't for her id probably been flown off the handle. Thank you for the advice as well , I most definitely will take a min to step away if it gets hetitc so I can collect myself
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aviannasmommy2018 You're welcome! And lol same 😂 I'm a really boring person when it comes to going and all that but I make a really cool ass person to talk to and give advice. 🤗 Sending good vibes your way
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Sorry for the novel I just really could relate to your post bc I cried every single night until my son was 2 mos old. It was so damn hard but now being on the other side of it I see the light.
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
The first several months of becoming a mom are so, so so hard. No sleep, not being able to do what you used to, learning how to care for the baby, it’s all soooo hard especially if your s.o is uninvolved wether they’re working 24/7 or just not helping (like mine😒) but I can tell you somewhere between when they are 3-6 months it gets WAY better. Once you’re sleeping enough, baby is laughing and bonding, and the dust has settled things get better. PPD May remain but your bond with your LO will keep you going. Right now having no bond is totally normal.
I feel sooooo bonded to my 2yo and like I can’t really bond with my new baby at all. But I know it’s just cause she’s new, she’s so little and doesn’t really do anything but cry & rely on me, it’s really hard to create that bond. I love her, but I don’t looooooovveeeee her like I do my 1st. BUT that will all change once we get out of the “newborn phase”. I hope this will happen for you too.
Don’t get me wrong depression and anxiety remains-my PPA peaked and I started getting panic attacks when my son was 10mos. I was on my own too as everyone told me to just get over/through it and my s.o. Worked 12hours overnight. But what kept me going was my bond with my son and knowing he loved and needed me.
Right now you’re in the HARDEST part- the first few months as a brand new mom. I wish I knew half of what I knew now during my sons first 6 weeks. It would’ve been way different but it’s a learning process for everybody. I hope things get better for you soon. I’m personally struggling right now when my daughter is colic crying I just can’t take it and have to step away for a few mins to be able to continue to take care of her. If you ever need to do that it doesn’t make you a bad mom. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of you too. 💖
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@reneebaee_ thank you lots ! That means alot. Same goes for you. I just stay at home taking care of my daughter. I'm a home body and don't ever do anything really 😂
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I feel the exact same way 😞I had PPD really bad after birth so I know what you're going through. If you want to talk to me you can! I know it's not the same as talking to a close friend or your husband but I'm sure we can help one another out. Don't be afraid to message me anytime for anything. I have nothing going on. 🙂
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@reneebaee_ I'm so sorry you're going through the as well. My baby is the only one to see me break down as well and I basically sit there crying talking to her about these things (makes me feel weird at times but then again all she can do is listen and it helps) I'm sorry your boyfriend doesn't understand. Mines does that as well. I haven't told him anything yet other then I wish he was home and PPD is hitting me and all he says is "I'm sorry , i wish I didn't have to leave" I know if I explained to him he wouldn't come close to understanding.. 😔 hopefully things get better for you ! I'm always here if you need to talk !
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hey I don't know you at all but I had to say that me and you feel exactly the same way. I too start a text out that way and end up never sending it. My bf has no idea any emotions I actually feel 😔 when I do tell him he doesn't understand or says I'm being a crybaby. He has no idea how serious depression feels or anxiety. My baby is the only one who sees my breakdown and cry and the only one I tell how con fused/sad/angry/lonely I feel.
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@amomandherbug I haven't thought about confiding I my on or anything , and I don't really like talking to my family because they aren't the real supportive type. More of "we all go through it so get over it " Thank you so much , that really does mean alot. Ive been feeling like maybe it wasn't normal and that I was being a biter person by envying people for holding her and bonding. I started to even get really upset with my boyfriend because they bonded so great and he got to hold her and bonding soon as she was born..
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m sorry you are feeling this way. Postpartum depression or even just baby blues can feel isolating and never ending. Do you have anyone close to you that you can confide in? Even if it’s a doctor or your OB, they can help tremendously. But I want you to know that what you’re feeling is incredibly normal. I haven’t met a single women yet who hasn’t felt a whirlwind of happiness, sadness, anxiety, depression or fear after having a baby. Your hormones are unbalanced and throwing you some deep shit. And please don’t feel like your baby will bond or love anyone more than you. Just because you didn’t get to hold her right away doesn’t take away the bond you will have with her forever. Stay strong and stay positive. I know I don’t know you, but please feel free to message me any time you need someone to rant to. I’m a good listener 💛
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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