I feel like I'm getting PPD...
All I do is cry at night. Sometimes I'll look at my daughter and just start bawling my eyes out. I start to think back about my pregnancy experience with her and it makes me so upset. I honestly felt like I didn't really get to experience birth and have that connection with my daughter because I had a emergency C-section and had to be put under. I didn't get to hold her or see her little face first. Even after I woke up I was so out of it and numb that I couldn't even hold her really. I started to get this envy towards people when I see them bonding with her and holding her , that I almost want to cry. I love my daughter to death and am slowly feeling a better bond with her.
Then on top of that , my boyfriend works out of state. He came a day before my induction date to spend the day with me , stayed for athe hospital stay, and then a day and a half before he had to fly out with baby girl and I. After he left I started to get really depressed as well and have to catch myself from not texting "I feel unhappy and that we have drifted apart" I know it's because I'm depressed and he's far away and work so much that we don't get to talk much. I just can't stop getting the feeling that he doesn't want me, or I'm going to to ruin us by speaking on my feelings in the moment ..
I just feel like I'm falling apart , that's only two of the things bothering me alot right now.. if you made it this far into my post , thanks for listening. I needed to rant 😔 ..