Curious - how often do you moms get out of the house for girls night without the children or significant other?
Do you ever go on weekend trips or stay the night out ?
@unicorn_mama, yup. In the 2.5 years of being a parent I don’t think I’ve had time away like a girls night and especially not a weekend thing. I actually enjoy spending time with my little dude, cuz he’s not gonna be small forever
Since my son was born me and his father have gone out maybe 3 times. I haven’t had any girl time with my friends unless I take my son with me. I’d rather have the alone time for me and my bf.
Never. If I ever see anyone, my daughter is with me, sometimes my husband too. He also doesn't go out with friends either though. The 2-3 times we didn't have DD with us, we had a short date together.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would if I had actual girlfriends. My 19 year old niece and I went to the beach for a weekend. That's as close as it gets for a girls night.