Kate Smith
Kate Smith
Hi everyone! I am back for a little while! Will read everyone's updates in the next few days!

I just wanted to chat to some old friends with whom I didn't exchange what's up coordinates for some reason, moan a bit and get some advice :)

We are doing well, having a second child turned out to be much easier than having the first. I do still feel sorry for my poor elder daughter who is jealous and had to grow up way too quickly in such a short time, my little miss independent. I was afraid that I will not bond with my son quite so well as I did with my daughter, but I actually did so even faster than I did with her, it is true that the love doesn't get shared, with every child you get more love. Max loves Daria, absolutely adores her, and she stopped hating him. Or rather hating me for having him, she never did anything nasty to him, but doesn't express affection either. It is hard, but it does get easier :)

What did you give your 2 year olds for their second birthday?

What activities do you do with them?

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@kate_smith да, это беговел, ну он носится на нем по парку обычно около часа, потом надоедает и бросает, просится на ручки...и тогда с прогулки я несу и велосипед, и его в охапку😓
у нас все ок, кроме того, что очень сложно бывает договориться, и чуть что не так, сразу истерика. Надо пережить, видимо
24.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kate_smith, 😁
22.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@anika7 thank you :)) I'll be stalking you tomorrow, you are next in my list ;)
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@verabathory привет!!! Как у вас дела?

Кажется нам недавно отдали такой! Это велик без педалей, да? Даша боится садиться на него, мне кажется сидение слишком как у настоящего велосипеда :(( вот думаю, есть смысл дарить ей скутер или четырех колесный велосипед с педалями, или тоже в саду бросит...
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I 'm happy to see you here 😊.
P.s. We didn't make decision about gifts yet.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Long time no see)
same with me actually...havent been here for a while. Congrats on your baby#2! I think very soon they'll become best friends and play together)
as for presents, we gave Nick a run bike and he was over the moon. First weeks tried it at home and then was ready for a big ride outside. The only problem though is he rides too fast and doesnt know where to stop, so I have to run too🙄
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Aweh I'm glad it gets a little easier I will be having my second boy soon and scared McKenzie will feel left out or hate the little one xxx
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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