So after A discussion on this topic I had with someone today....
Can I just say that I HATE when people say “oh I totally support a woman breastfeeding in public but they really need to cover up because (children don’t need to see it/less people will stare/it would make others more comfortable/nobody wants to see that/she should respect herself more than that/how would her husband feel about it)”
Well then no, you don’t support it.
- how about we teach our children that it’s normal to breastfeed babies, so when they see it they don’t think anything of it? When you take a child to the beach do they lose their minds about women basically wearing bras and panties to swim in?? NO. Because they’ve been taught that is normal.
- who cares if people stare? That’s their problem. And don’t tell me nobody is staring when you drape a giant daggum tent over your body and try to feed a baby who is screaming because they are hot and covered and hungry.
- um. I’m sorry. I really don’t give a single crap if ANYONE ELSE feels comfortable with how I am feeding my child. As long as I am comfortable and my baby is comfortable, that’s all that matters.
- nobody wants to see that? Really? Pretty much everybody on the planet wants to see some boobs as long as they are on a magazine, Victoria’s secret model, in a music video, in a movie, on a babe at the beach, in porn. The only time people don’t want to see it is when it’s not sexualized and it’s used for it’s natural purpose.
- how much skin a woman shows while breastfeeding has NO CORRELATION to the amount that she respects herself. Sometimes your child is screaming and your flustered and hot and you flash some people trying to calm your child down and pop your boob in it’s mouth. But you know what? Anybody that sees that has had FAIR amount of warning of what was coming. The screaming baby, the raising or lowering of shirt, the unlcipping of the nursing bra or tank, and THEN the breast exposure. If you didn’t want to see it, you should have looked away 45 seconds ago.
- most women discuss this topic with their husband/boyfriend/partner. I’m sure they decided together what they both felt comfortable with. But, again, that is NOBODY ELSE’S business except the mother’s and father’s!

Lord. Why is this country SOOOOOOO far behind on breastfeeding in public not being a big deal?? Considering the size of our country it is absolutely pitiful.

I don’t care if a mother covers up with a blanket, I don’t care if she uses the 2 shirt method so only her nipple is out - which is covered by baby, I don’t care if she flops the whole dang thing out and feeds her baby, I don’t care if my children see it - they know what is happening, hell I don’t care if she flops both them bad boys out and let’s her baby pick which side! It’s not my decision how another mother feeds her baby! It’s hers!
We are teaching our young girls that breasts are something to be ashamed of and that they have to be hidden away even though God gave them to us for us to feed our babies. We are teaching young boys that breasts are only about sex and they are fun things that only get to be talked about and looked at in a sexual way. We can be better than this. Why is this so hard to understand?? Ugh.

Ok. End rant.


edited to add: I just want to throw out there that I don’t show off my whole body to nurse. Would it matter if I did? No. But, I use the 2 shirt method. I have the outer shirt pulled up, a tank top that stays down, baby’s on the nipple, you see no skin. I do this for my own comfort. BUT I don’t have a problem with other people who don’t cover OR who choose to cover. That’s the point I’m making. Each mother gets to make her own decision about how much or how little skin she shows.
I’ve honestly been shamed both ways - “omg you should wear a cover” and “omg why do you use 2 shirts just flop it out”

Лучший комментарий

on a bright note, the breasts that are sexualized look nothing like the breasts that are breasfeeding a child 😂 My breasts are no longer perky and cute. They are huge, dragging and my nipples are humongous and purple. Whoever wants to make them a sexual thing they are crazy 😂
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree. When I'm with my mom her actions tell me she I uncomfortable when i breastfeed my baby. I just continue to feed her and embrace her little self with hugs and kisses.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить


@kalixta u and I both! Have a goodnight hun and sorry for the mix up!
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth, 😂😂 same! I’m just glad I made it to the weekend!
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kalixta I'm so sorry! That's why I had to delete my comment because I was so confused. Lmao. I feel like an ass I literally had to go back and reread everything. I'm so sorry hun. I had a long day at work so my brain is not all the way together😂😂😂. I'm so embarrassed and slow
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth, Noooooo, not I was referring to the lady I spoke about from the FB post.. I meant her pulling her boob out and waiting for an argument was her looking for attention..
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@gorgeousmay42217 agreed
21.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 thank you 😊
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@momofboth, I would get books now and start reading to him and letting him look at pictures. There are several on amazon. They aren’t vulgar or show a full chest, just babies nursing in their mommies. So it would be something he saw. Read it and explain it even he he doesn’t talk back yet. If he’s used to seeing it and hearing about it then it will be normal to him 🙂
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 exactly!!!
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@momsrmagical that's amazing!
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I only made it to 3 months breastfeeding . My son is near 3 and can't talk . Only says like 2 words . Would I randomly discuss breastfeeding to him when he starts understanding and talking ?
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
My almost 4yr old is so not phased by breastfeeding bc he’s been exposed to it often & it’s been explained to him in a way he can understand....not only from me but my friends & family. His only reaction is usually ‘awh mommy that baby is eating some milk’ lol
Your children learn from YOUR reactions. Thank you for posting this.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
They’re just boobs idk why people have a crap attack when they see boobs 🤷🏻‍♀️ breasts are made to feed babies, there’s NOTHING sexual about feeding a baby, even when there’s a boob involved.
I don’t think we should have to cover up.
Hell I honestly wish that society would STOP sexualizing boobs the way they do.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I could like this post 1 million times and it still wouldn't be enough.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
on a bright note, the breasts that are sexualized look nothing like the breasts that are breasfeeding a child 😂 My breasts are no longer perky and cute. They are huge, dragging and my nipples are humongous and purple. Whoever wants to make them a sexual thing they are crazy 😂
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kalixta Yeah, it just seems so much worse when another momma says stuff like that.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@gorgeousmay42217, yea she seemed to be looking for attention and using breastfeeding as her platform, unfortunately.. and like tierra said it makes all the other mamas look bad.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kalixta that's excessively too far.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth I'm not saying I disagree or your invalid but in my family it's always been just a normal thing for everyone and as most of my family is women that's a lot but my brothers and cousins have never had an issue as kids. They all responded with things about how it's just the baby having whatever meal. My fiance has asked me if I'm going to in public that he wants me to cover up because he knows there can't be stares avoided and that makes him uncomfortable but I don't believe they are just sexualized. If a kid is a round it all the time they would think that's normal and that breasts are normal and it's no big deal with baby. It isn't until they see them sexualized or it becomes a big secret that they think differently. I fully support a woman's right to make whatever decision she is going to make but the decision anyone else makes should not dictate what decision I do.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kalixta, yes I agree that is ridiculous. But, the vast majority of breastfeeding mothers do not do that. Just like with anything you’re gonna have extremists. And I hate that bc it gives the rest of us a bad name. But it is what it is 🤷🏼‍♀️
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I completely agree with this post and that breast feeding should be normalized.. I’ll be damned if anyone tells me that I can’t feed my child anytime they’re hungry..

HOWEVER, I read a comment on Facebook once in a breastfeeding in public post.. and a lady commented saying she’ll purposely pull out her boob and just sit there for a few minutes “daring” anyone to say anything to her before grabs her baby to start feeding. To me that’s not cool.. one, why are you looking for drama while you’re with your baby.. secondly, you look like the weirdo perv with your boob just sitting eyeballing people! And she got a tons of likes and hell yeas.. idk, that to me was petty...🤷🏻‍♀️
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 If only I could like this post a million times
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16, yes ! Yes! Yes! Thank you for this and especially for highlighting the fact that it has to be normalized ! If children learn that the breast are first for feeding they will be ok! If we start with this generation we are birthing and raising the change can and will happen.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth, I am from the U.S. that’s why in my family we teach our children from the start. We are trying to raise a new generation that is unlike the previous generations. And we can’t do that by hiding it away. The world is going to try to shove all kinds of questionable views onto our children. The best way to keep that from happening is to teach them the correct way from the very beginning. So it is engrained in their heart, body, and mind. It’s easier that way than trying to shield them from it for so long and THEN trying to tell them the correct way vs. society’s way. Usually by which point they’ve learned enough from peers at school/in public that they’ve already made their own decisions.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 its was nice chatting with you and I respect your point of view. Thank you for sharing, I just want to show the different ways people think. Best to you and your family and congratulations on your pregnancy, but I have to go to work now lol. I hope you have a good day!
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 its not the same. I dont care what anyone say. I agree with you, it's natural and it's meant for us to feed your kids. I personally don't even like giving my kids cows milk because cows milk is meant for a calf, not humans. I'm sorry, I didn't go on your profile so I can't see where you are from but the way the United States view things is not right. I'm from Guyana, which is in South America. Back in Guyana it is normal to breastfeed and I would not have a problem. Being that I am now a U.S citizen and my kids are American there is a huge difference on society and how they think. I can tell my kids all I want that it's natural but this corrupt world will put it in their heads that it's not. That's good you you and the children in you family who is a custom to it but as for ME AND MY FAMILY, I don't feel like it's the right time or age, esp how the demographics are where I live.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@hollieletcher01, yes! I love that! Children really don’t think anything of it when they see if from a young age! We have so many kids in our family and they aren’t even phased by it ❤️ I love that we have so many kids growing up to be supportive of breastfeeding and think that it’s normal ❤️
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 You are speaking the truth! I love seeing post like this. When asked “what are women’s boobies for?” My boys will 100% always tell you to feed their babies! They are 6 and 7 and have seen multiple women breastfeeding and think absolutely nothing of it. The ONLY time we hide breast from them is when they are being sexualized on movies or tv. We plan on raising our new baby boy the same exact way. Breastfeeding is beautiful and amazing. 😊💕
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth, people cursing in front of kids is not comparable to breastfeeding. If people curse in front of my kids I will absolutely say something. Cursing is a vulgar act. Breastfeeding is not.
That’s what I’m saying though, our corrupt world sees the breast as wrong. By not teaching our children from the start, and hiding it away like it’s a naughty thing teaches them that it is wrong. And trying to change a persons point of view on that, trying to tell them it’s ok after most of their life it was hidden from them, is really hard. Where if they had seen breastfeeding from the start of their life it would not even be a topic that had to be discussed.
Children don’t ask why magazines have half naked women on them - cuz they see them in the supermarket from the day they are born. They don’t ask why women show off most of their bodies to go swimming, because they see it from the start. They don’t ask why men go shirtless and women don’t, because that just the way it is.
When we hide it it becomes something that eventually HAS to be talked about. If it just happens naturally all the time from the day they are born, it doesn’t have to be discussed other than maybe them saying “why do we feed babies that way?” And us saying “that’s just the way God made us” OR if you’re not religious just saying “that’s they way our bodies are made”
Simple as that and that’s typically the end of discussion.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 no I'm sorry, I didn't mean you calling me a bad mom. I'm just saying society in general
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth, I never called you a bad mom.
And no, the breast is not a sexual thing. SOCIETY makes it a sexual ting. That is not an opinion. That is a fact. Scientifically breasts main purpose are to produce milk to feed children.
And the kids that stare do so because they are curious because it’s never been explained. I just told you of 6 boys in my family and friends that don’t stare because it’s normal for them. That’s not to mention my two daughters, my best friends two daughters, my cousins 4 daughters or my other cousins daughter. Literally NONE of them stare at breastfeeding mothers. Because it’s normal. The don’t question it because the aren’t shielded from it. Teaching children about breastfeeding is just as innocent as teaching them how to read. It doesn’t make them not innocent because they know the natural use for breasts. Breastfeeding isn’t a bad thing “from the real world we live in” it’s a good thing.
And people don’t make me uncomfortable with their comments and dirty looks 🤷🏼‍♀️ I really don’t care if they have a problem with me feeding my baby because that’s my top priority. BUT I wish no one felt in comfortable with it. And if we taught our children from an early age what it is and that’s it’s normal eventually everyone would be ok with it.

And the not feeding your newborn in front of your other kids, obviously is your choice. But good grief. Lol I am gonna have a 20 month old and a 5yo so that would not be an option for me. Plus that is incredibly inconvenient for the mother, not feasible for some people, and teaches children that it’s a bad thing that has to be hidden away. Those are the types of people that grow up and then shame women for nursing in public.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I more so would like everyone to be comfortable and sometime that means to compromise, find a common ground. The least I can do is to cover up. Just like I'm not comfortable with people cursing in front of my kids, the other people is going to say "so what they are going to hear it eventually." There are a lot of things I'm not comfortable with that goes on in public. But I dear not say anything. All I can do I try to protect my kids do what I have to do to keep them in order. I'm not saying breastfeeding is wrong. I'm saying the way our corrupt world think and visualize the breast is wrong and all I can do is protect my children until I feel that they are mature enough to distinguish the difference.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 ok, but just like I cant tell you and I will never tell any mom they can't breastfeed in public, you can't tell me what to teach my kid and when I need to teach it to them. Like I said, I'm not ready to have that conversation with them and to be real look at the world we live in. The breast is a sexual thing. It should not be but it is and it's my job to protect my kid and keep them innocent as long as I can. Every kid maturity level is different and they are going to stare because it's a breast. No matter what the situation is everyone is going to have different opinions and strong opinions. I just like to find a common ground that will make everyone comfortable. Just like you feel strongly about not caring about making other ppl comfortable, other ppl will not care if they make you uncomfortable with their comments and their dirty looks. Yes I am pregnant and yes I will be breastfeeding but I will cover up and I don't breastfeed in front on my kids. That's how I choose to run my household. I'm not saying not to breastfeed in public to each is own. But your gonna call me a bad mom when I yell at my kids for staring, giggling and making inappropriate comments. So I'll just be that bad mom and you continue to feed your baby the healthy way
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tegandavis16 good for him!! You got a good man. One of my friends has a three month old and she breastfeeds we had met up at Burger King and she needed to feed him she was going to go to the bathroom and I told her no we're in the play area which is indoors separate from the actual restaurant nobody else was in there. So I told her to just go ahead and do it and if anyone were to come in and say anything to her that I was going to rip them a new one!!!
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@coffeeislife, my husband is the same ❤️ he has also stuck up for a complete stranger before for breastfeeding her child in public. She was already clearly nervous and flustered, I’m guessing a first time nursing momma, and an employee called her out and said she had to leave. And my husband was actually like no, legally she doesn’t and if you don’t believe me you can call the cops. I was so proud! Lol the woman was a little embarrassed but she said thanks and my husband looked her in the eye, apologized for the employee, and walked off. And I talked to her for a few minutes and told her she was doing great and I made sure she knew the laws concerning breastfeeding in public.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I completely support it. I don't care where they do it or how they do it whether they want to sit in their car, sitting a public bathroom, or sit right on a bench in the middle of the park. I don't care if they use a blanket I don't care if they use a nursing cover I don't care if they use anything at all. My DD is 4 years old and she sees it as completely normal. My SO is not bothered by it either. We have both walked past women sitting in the middle of a museum or a park or an indoor play area and my SO doesn't say anything doesn't stare doesn't get annoyed. The last time we saw a woman breastfeeding we were walking by and he went "awe, good for her." Lol
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@matajiregina, I’m sorry your family is uncomfortable with that 😞 I am fortunate enough to have very pro-breastfeeding family and friends.
I will say years ago before I had kids I often though “just use a cover” but I never voiced that opinion.
I have nursed in front of aunts, uncles, cousins, my mom, my dad, my in laws. Most people know what I’m doing obviously, but they just don’t look, they keep talking to me as if everything is normal. Which is comfortable and nice.
Good for your for breastfeeding anyway! ❤️
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tierraaelizabeth, and that is your decision to cover up. But no other mother should have to cover to make YOU or YOUR children feel more comfortable. Breasts are NOT a sexual thing. They are there to feed babies with. I have 2 daughters and a son on the way and he will know what breasts are for from the get go. The reason why your son’s may giggle now is because they are already 6 and 8 and you’ve never said “hey this is why women have breasts and this is what they are for. It is how mommies feed their babies and keep them healthy” if you do that from the time they are little then they think nothing of it. If you started talking about it now, especially since you’re pregnant, it would be normal to them in a few weeks. Children wrap their heads around things pretty quickly. There are lots of videos on YouTube about mommy breastfeeding baby siblings and lots of books you can buy. You don’t have to have a sex talk with your kids just because you talk about breastfeeding. They two are in absolutely no way related. Just think, if every child in the world saw women breastfeeding in public from the time they were born, nobody would take issue with it as they got older. It was be normal.
Saying your reason is because you have two sons doesn’t really have anything to do with it. My cousin has 2 sons - 18 months and 4yo old and they don’t even question it. It’s normal. One of my best friends has a 10 year old, a 5 year old, and a newborn and her oldest two know that women have breasts to feed babies and have never noticed it. Literally they see a mother feeding her baby and say how cute the baby is or they just go on about their business. My nephews are 8 and 12 and don’t giggle or stare. It’s all in what you teach your kids. You can teach children to not stare, especially after they learn that it’s normal. Tell them it’s nice to let the mommy have some privacy to get ready to feed the baby if you’re afraid you kids looking will make the mother uncomfortable. I for one don’t get uncomfortable when kids try to see what’s going on, that’s how they learn. They are curious by nature. Plus the more they see it happening the more it normalizes breastfeeding. If a 35 year old man and standing there staring then yeah, I’m probably gonna say something. But not kids. And once a baby is latched on, you literally see less than what you do with a bathing suit on.
I think there should be places for mothers to go to nurse IF they want it, but they shouldn’t have to use them just because hey are there. I am not going to go into a tiny room by myself with my newborn and 2 other kids when I can sit comfortably at the dr office/restaurant/grocery store/etc. where everyone else is and feed my baby. I never use those rooms. They are tiny, there’s never enough space, it’s really inconvenient, and they are usually really hot.
I cannot use a cover with my kids. I’m way too hot natured, my kids are way too hot natured. It ends in a lot of sweat and crying and me having to remove the cover - at which point the world is staring because “why won’t she shut that baby up” and I nurse without a cover. I do, however, use the 2 shirt method 99% of the time so I don’t expose any skin except the part the baby has to latch to - and once they are latched you can’t see anything. But that’s a personal preference and how I choose to do it may not be the same as another mother chooses to do it.
Someone else’s children not knowing what breastfeeding is for is not my problem. It’s their problem for not teaching them about body parts and the correct way to use them. And the thought that you would be forced to have a sexual conversation with you children because they saw someone breastfeeding is not even ok. It’s not sexual. Do your children know what penises and vaginas are for? As children I teach my kids this:
Boys have penises (or whatever you choose to call it) because they are boys and that’s how they go pee, girls have vaginas (or whatever you choose to call it) because they are girls and that’s how they go pee. In my house we just call it a “pee-pee” and we know that boys look different than girls.
And we know that girls have breasts that get bigger when they grow up so they can feed their babies.
My 5yo knows that mommies have eggs and that when the Daddy loves the mommy very much the egg turns into a baby in her belly. We haven’t even come close to having the sex talk yet. We can make all of this so normal if we choose to. And then children don’t snicker or giggle at inappropriate things as often because they’ve been taught what is normal.

I am not attacking you, but I am telling you that the logic that you follow is the reason why so many women are shamed in public for breastfeeding, or are asked to go to a bathroom, or to leave the establishment. And that is absolutely unacceptable. No mother should ever have to worry about feeding their child. Being a mom is hard enough - especially a first time mom. There are a million other things I would rather my kids not see in public, breastfeeding is not one of them.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Idk if I agree. I exclusively breastfed my kids and will do it with my baby but I think moms should cover up in public. The only reason why I feel that way is because I have 2 little boys ages 6 and 8. No matter how much you tell a kid it's normal kids will be kids. A breast is a "sexual" thing and child is going to giggle and maybe have sexual thoughts when seeing a breast. My kids are a little to young but there is no telling what they are thinking and I don't want to make the parent uncomfortable when my kids is staring them down when all you are trying to do is feed your kid. Also as a mom, I am not ready to have certain conversations with my boys as of yet and I don't want to be forced to do so. As a parent of boys and an exclusive breastfeeder I think its uncomfortable on both ends. And personally I don't want to expose myself to the world so I use a very light covering. I also think that there should be designated places for breastfeeding mothers so they won't feel shamed about feeding their kid. Just like their are designated areas for us to have a meal. Please don't attack me, I'm not saying you are wrong I'm just shedding some light on how others may view it.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Love this! Excatly! 💯👊
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I loved reading this!!! I always say if your baby’s hungry then they need to be fed just like we do. We don’t walk into a restaurant and wear a mask and cap to hide while we eat so why should we hide our children whilst they are eating!! X
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree. When I'm with my mom her actions tell me she I uncomfortable when i breastfeed my baby. I just continue to feed her and embrace her little self with hugs and kisses.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
This was fantastic! Lol!
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you!! I can't say anything about if I feel uncomfortable about someone walking around in a string bikini around my little brother/son because that's offensive to the woman. But this baby is hungry and a boob shouldn't be out to care for the baby but it's perfectly fine when it's just to be out and showing. The whole cover up argument as well! Would you like to eat with something over your whole face? Not likes it's dark, or claustrophobic or hot or anything. Besides you can do so and babies will still push it off. There's no reason to not look away.
20.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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