What do ya'll recommend for a baby getting a flathead? 😩 she doesn't like tummy time. I was looking up pillows to help it but I want to know y'alls experience. I don't have money for the helmet either.
@dazzlingmommy that's what I'm doing laying her on me. Her neck is still kind of weak so I put her on my shoulder so she can learn to hold up her head more also.
@d0iinjusfiin3, Yea just keep doing that and do as much tummy time as you can. The tummy time helps build her neck muscles so that she can move her head and support it on her own. & if she doesn’t like tummy time (my son hated it too) then just lay her on your chest and do tummy time that way 😊
My daughter start to get it she’s currently 4 months and as soon as she wakes up from her nap I put her in her bumbo and when she’s asleep I wake up to reposition her head to either left or right it kinda helps
@dazzlingmommy yea one side is more flat than the other so when shes asleep I move her head slowly lol @spookylyn but yea at her 2 month appt she said to do more tummy time for now. She didn't mention anything about her muscles.
The helmet is prescribed by a doctor and usually covered by insurance, but she’s still very young so they wouldn’t even consider a helmet for her yet. Just try to keep her off her head as much as possible and when she’s sleeping move her head gently so she doesn’t sleep on one spot for too long. Once she’s a little older and able to hold herself up it should get better on its own. If not you’ll have to see a doctor.
I had the same issue
It didn’t get 100% better until she started sleeping on her tummy and rolling over
Just try to keep her off of her back it will help a lot