i think i may stop breastfeeding😩im going to speak with a lactation consultant on Monday but we came home today and since earlier in the day baby girl hasnt peed or pooped but has been really gassy and as the day went on shes been really fussy and has been constantly farting😔i wanted to breastfeed but i think all medicine they have me on could be possibly upsetting her stomach, i just feel so bad.

UPDATE: I went out to get some formula till Monday when i see the lactation consultant, i will continue to pump and i will try to give her breastmilk again later tonight. Since on the formula baby girl isnt fussy anymore, isnt gassy anymore, and has peed. Im feeling much better now that she’s doing better.

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Just read your update, glad the formula is helping! Hopefully the lactation consultant can help too when you’re able to see her
15.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I’m all for breastfeeding I really am, I did with my son and I loved it and the benefits. But, that being said your baby should be having 6 wet diapers a day (during the day) not having one for 24 hours is not healthy! It could be a sign of starvation. If she’s strictly on the breast try pumping and giving her a bottle to see how much she is taking since she isn’t producing wet diapers. The poopy diapers isn’t as concerning because breastfed babies can go up to a week without pooping. I think you should keep trying but if I were you I would supplement with some formula or try pumping and bottle feeding for a while so that you know for sure she is eating. Again I’m all about breastfeeding but you don’t want to compromise your child’s safety just to say you breastfed.
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@damnkmar, give it another day to 2 days, the only time you have to worry, is if she hasn’t had any wet diapers in over 24 hours
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
ссылка also try these!
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mrscecco316, it hasnt been that long last time she one was Thursday night
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
How long has she not had a bowel movement, when babies are breastfed they can go a couple days without having anything. Try giving her all natural gas drops with your breast milk.
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@incognit0, im on iron, colace, ibuprofen and percocet, i havent taken the percs at all though just everything else, i was taking these in the hospital and everything seemed good up until today, im so worried about her
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Hang in there mama try give her a warm bath and put some pressure on her tummy when your trying to burp her. Also lay her on her back and just push her knees up to her belly she will release gas and do bicycles with her legs while shes on her back.
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tyrellp, i was thinking maybe it was something i ate as well or the medication they have me on i cant wait to see the lactation specialist
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Could be the medicine, or could be something you ate. Hope things get better for you mama. 🙏🏻
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Don't give up dear, i think speaking with lactation specialist is a good idea. It could be what your eat making her gassy. Keep a food diary and write down what you ate in the day so you can track what food upsets her.
14.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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