I'm so confused I need answers ladies, today I took two blue dye tests and they were faint positives and then I went and bought and frer and it was negative 😭 I'm having all the symptoms that I had when I was pregnant with my daughter I mean extreme fatigue nausea peeing alot! And heavy bloating. Uncontrollable gas ! I did only dip the test for 20 seconds when the instructions says to dip it for 5 😭 so idk at first I was scared but now I'm like kind of excited cuz it's a new baby 😭😍🤗
Theyve broken my heart a million times. But everyone has different experiences. The test u used are the ones I got a few times, and a blue line popped up right away.. Both times I used then and then af showed later !! Ugh. Broke my heart. But if youre having doubts , drfinetly see a doctor hun !! Wish u the best of luck !!! Every woman has different experiences with different tests and different pregnanciez !!
Lol I always buy blue dyes because they gave me a positive when I was pregnant bfore and I just took a couple more and it's showing the same faint line within the time frame so I'm going to the hospital I'm having alot of cramping