Hello mom's I haven't been in a while but I think I might be back on , I think I'm pregnant lol I took a pregnancy test this morning and got two very faint positives here's one of the tests. Now I have a question I have been having really low pressure in my bottom tummy and I've been super bloated , nauseas, my boobs are super sore rn , and so that's why I've tested . But mind u after testing because I got very faint lines I decided to go and buy a first response which it was negative ! So I'm crushed . I read online that blue dye tests are horrible but I used these same exact kind when I found out I was pregnant before . Rn I'm cramping bad and I'm scared it might be an ectopic pregnancy and or chemical. Someone please respond what u think I should do 😭
@booboolanii oh that makes it harder! I know all about that 😧 I have pcos and it took me 3 yrs hard out trying to get pregnant. So many tests. I'll be looking forward to your update though let me know how it all goes 😊
I can definitely see a line on the blue dye one. And idk I might have line eyes and it might be an evap, but i swear i can see a faint one on the frer 🤔 as @p. said when was af due? How late are you?
Wait another day and test with a frer again, if it's still negative but your worried your pregnant, I'd say definitely go to the doctor and get bloods done.
I don’t see a faint line. I was gonna recommend to go get a first response one that says pregnant or not on it but you said you already tried it. When was your last period? Have you missed one yet? Maybe your testing too early