If you’re overdue then absolutely it’s a natural inducer. As all comments stated at your 36 duration do not do it, if your baby decides to comes early that’s one thing but don’t encourage an early delivery. Past due, yes, my midwife recommends as a natural inducer & I know many women who have been encouraged to take it because they were 42 weeks + but only in the case where you’re over due should you ever try to induce delivery.
That's how it's meant to feel that far along. Uncomfortable but that's good! Means he's in birthing position. Do some deep squats, spread your knees out as much as you can and just try and hold that. It should help with some discomfort.
You can also go on all fours and stretch your hips the same way: spread your knees out and pelvis towards the floor. Try a warm bath and bounce on a yoga ball.
Castor oil isn’t recommended by anyone ever for inducing labor. Works good to make your hair grow tho! No matter how much pain your in chancing your babies health over your discomfort is not worth it, not to mention your 36 weeks baby is not ready yet.
I agree with the above. Not only can it encourage baby to pass meconium which can be devastating in its self but who wants to be in labour with the shits
My thought on castor oil is DO NOT DO IT. Do not pass go, do not drink the castor oil. It is such a dangerous thing to drink to induce labor and can cause way more harm than good. Be patient mama, you’re almost to the end.
Just to let everyone know I haven’t drank it, I’m just in a crazy amount of pain and his head is literally locked in my pelvic and can feel it if I were to stick my fingers up there.
So just getting thoughts on it
I’m an L&D nurse and this is absolutely a horrid idea. Your not even full term or term yet. I’ve seen moms use castor oil and it caused such distress their babies passed meconium and came out flat (not breathing) If you needed to deliver at 36 weeks your care provider would do it through the proper protocols. To each their own, but it would not be a responsible choice, and frankly a reckless endangerment of your unborn child. Please don’t do it.