How to Fix My Baby's Mixed-Up Sleep Schedule?

My son has his days and nights mixed up. During the day he will sleep fine in his crib. At night he will only sleep on me. I stay up all night holding him so he sleeps. I've never had this with my other kids. How on earth do I get him to switch?

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@bitchcraft @beccaaalynnn11 @cajuncateral-
Update...he didn't have his days and nights mixed up he had a formula intolerance and caused a slight block in his intestines so he couldn't get the gas out. Changed his formula and got his diaper rash under control. He is now only getting up 3 times after I put him to bed at 9pm.
09.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
- So that’s horrible. Accidents happen. I sleep on my couch. My son on the side with the couch on it. But the couch was originally because of the csection, then my next two surgery’s lol I love sleeping with him. I sleep lighter because I know he’s there.
03.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@bitchcraft I tried sleeping with him next to me on the need lasted about 20 min.
03.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@beccaaalynnn11, I can't sleep when he's on me. I feel asleep with my oldest on me one time and he rolled off me (I was sitting up on my bed) he hit the glass part of the picture and cut his face.
03.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
He's only 2 weeks old. They get the hang of it eventually but just be patient with him. He's never done this before and it's a big scary world. You're the only thing he knows and he just wants to be close. We started my son on a routine at a month old. We give him a bottle at 8, bathe him, snuggle and rock him with the lights off. We also don't have a TV on or anything to distract him. Then we transfer him to his cradle when he is sleepy. Sometimes he goes and sometimes he cries. 🤷 We are just flexible and snuggle him some more. But the routine helps him know that it's sleep time. He currently sleeps through the night from 9-6 with no night feedings. I guess we just got lucky on that one
03.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
- He’s less than a month old. He should be sleeping no less than 20 hours a day ? My son is fine to take naps by himself. But at night he’s on my chest. Which I love. Can you not sleep while you hold him ? I don’t have an answer for your question. Sorry. 💙
03.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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