I know frer are generally more reliable. Any of you get a bfn on CB digital the day af was supposed to appear and then got a positive later? I've felt off for over a week.... More than my normal PMS symptoms but the digital said no.
I’ve taken a frer and a digital with the same urine. Frer had very faint positive and digital was negative. Generally dig has a 25-50miu sensitivity. Frer is 6. Threshold for pregnancy is 5 and below not pregnant.
I've been dealing with a shit ton of symptoms for over a week now and I'm not supposed to get my period until the 10th and I never get symptoms when my period comes.
Frers only need 6hcg to show up on the test. Clear blue digitals need 50 hcg to show up positive. So it is positive for it to say not pregnant when you are.