Girls I'm waiting to test until I'm late.... But have you ever been afraid to tell your hubby you think you might be pregnant? I'm trying to not symptom spot but my bbs are more tender especially nips, I've had a weird full feeling in my lower abdomen, low level nausea, aversion to stuff I usually love to eat/drink, etc. I love coffee but the other day my husband was brewing himself some and my house just stunk like burnt food to me.

Our last positive was a chemical pregnancy so I some want to get his hopes up too. I hate the waiting game!!

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I wouldn’t tell him you think you might be pregnant until you test positive . Guys sometimes take things super hard . I know it’s exciting to tell, but until you have more proof , sometimes pms symptoms are very similar to pregnancy symptoms .
29.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
When we were trying I symptom spotted with a friend, and only showed him the positive test. I would use a digital so there was no need for him to try to see a line.
29.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
When we are trying I all but have my hubby hold the pee stick for me lol but I definitely understand not wanting to get his hopes up. I never would have made it through our losses and to this point without that man. He was my rock when I didn't have ground to stand on. We've got three beautiful angel babies, 2 wonderful sons and are currently pregnant with our third son. 💙💙💙 Sending lots of sticky baby dust your way!
29.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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