Maria Doucette
Maria Doucette
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Me back 25w6d. Now at 30 weeks today woo hoo.

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Yeah they start trying to get the lo to turn fm the outside but if that doesn't work they go inside and take baby out breach. Yuck.
19.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Yep I had an evc / ecv (?!) with my lo, and it was outside my belly with talcum powder whilst watching on an ultrasound!

Enjoy your dream hoping! So many women take pregnancy for granted and it's so nice you are enjoying it all. It just gets better from here! xx
19.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Woah I didn't know she would stick her hand up you!!!! When I had the transverse turn for Juliet they turned her around on the outside of my body. Pushing on my stomach. If they would have stuck a hand up there I would have kicked them in the face lmao!!!!! :)))))))))
18.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Lmao you guys are too funny but yes for me that doesn't feel like a great option haha.

Everything just feels surreal still. After all I have been through to have a baby it's finally happening. It's really going to work out this time. Aaaahhhh someone pinch me and tell me not to wake up if this is a dream.
18.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Um yeah wtf!?!? I wouldn't be letting anyone stick their whole hand up into my uterus either! Wow less than a month! Eep! So exciting! Can't wait to see these two muchly anticipated rugrats!
18.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
I don't blame u for not wanting the dr to go up in there lol I would feel the same hahaha!!
18.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
That's so exciting!! 17th July is not long....

You never know, baby b may just turn by him/herself? But a c-section must be reassuring.

Enjoy the rest! You'll soon be so busy your feet won't touch the ground! xx
17.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Awe thanks millions everyone. I am feeling so blessed to finally be going down this road to full term.

Viccos still on bed rest sort of, just going by how I'm feeling that day and trying not to overdue it. I could labour naturally as Baby A's head is engaged now, finally in the right position. Baby B is still up under both ribs and transverse so at this point it's my decision. I do have a C section booked for July 17th at 36 weeks we are just taking it one day at a time. I really don't like the idea of giving birth to first baby and then the doc going up in there and trying to flip B around or pull it out feet first. No one is going up in anywhere on my body lol. So at this point I feel it's safer for a C section for both.
17.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
The most beautiful mummy in the world. Xx
14.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Beautiful!!!! ❤️
09.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
I don't post very often but I've been following your posts and I'm so happy your pregnancy is going well and that uve got to 30 weeks :-)
06.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Omg still bed rest though?? Well at least you'll be at home. Are they cutting the babies out or are u allowed to try natural? If c-sec what gestation do they take them out?
05.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Viccos yes everything is going amazing. While in hospital my cervix started growing back and the membranes isn't poking out anymore. Because of this I get to leave hospital tomorrow and remain on home bed rest woo hoo
05.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Looking great! Not too long to go now!
05.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Yay! Everything going well? When are you out of the hospital?
04.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
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