I would like to thank you Father God publicly and humbly for using ME of all people to share my testimony and show that YOU are who you say you are ! On Sunday, June 10, 2018 after walking into church LATE, Paul Wilbur was announcing to the congregation that God wanted to bless families who had just recently lost a baby, so Darrell Broaddus and I knew God was talking to us but we still stayed at our seat looking at each other kind of confused questioning if he was serious bc we aren’t married YET. So again he continued speaking saying “if you are trying to have a baby girl come to the alter God wants to bless you” ! At that moment the Holy Spirit was leading me up there without Darrell 😂 As we met at the alter with the other couples who joined us, I was already trusting God and that would’ve been enough for me BUT God is so good he had one last promise. Paul Wilbur laid his hands on Darrell and I and agreed in prayer for this blessing. He then proceeded to tell us in 90 days we would all bear children. So today I’m giving a praise report honoring the King I serve because he deserve all the honor, glory, and praise 🙌🏽 on June 23rd our prayer was answered !
Love this!! God is so faithful and most definitely grants us the desires of our hearts, if we delight in Him. I needed to hear this tonight as I am believing Him and trusting Him for a daughter as well. “Blessed is she who believed the Lord would fulfill His promise to her” Luke 1:45
You are blessed!
Amen! Girl i know how your feeling sooo blessed! God will do things for you just to show uou hes still there and listening not to lose faith in him . I know the struggle. Ive wanted a boy since my first born but it was a healthy beautiful girl. After and before i had her my faith was shaky because of thing ive indured in life growing up as a teen . I thought he forgot about me. Then i was told i had cervical cancer i had to dig deep and just give it to god. At the same time trying for a baby boy even tho they told me i wouldn't have anymore baby an if i did id miscarry or lose my life . I still keep kept pushing to restore myself and faith 4 years later i find out two months in im pregnant at that point i was like lord thank you im happy no matter the gender. To now surprisingly a Year later im pregnant again with a boy. My pastor new it was a boy before i did . Never again will my faith in the lord be broken ! .
You have to let me know when your prayer is answers as well ! Download the app “echo prayer” you can write your prayer then mark when it has been answered !
@sarahbalcom, Amen!!! I lost mine in April but I know He’s not finished yet. I needed to hear that “don’t pray about it anymore, Trust God is already putting my prayer to action” I’m just gonna stay rooted in praise and thanksgiving. He’s a great God who I can trust with all my heart❤️🙌🏼
@butterflystylist, Amen 🙌🏽 Don’t lose heart or faith baby ! I lost a baby in January and God restored what was taken from me even when I didn’t deserve this blessing ! Don’t pray about it anymore, TRUST that God is already putting your prayer into action and rejoice because he fulfills his promises to us !
Love this!! God is so faithful and most definitely grants us the desires of our hearts, if we delight in Him. I needed to hear this tonight as I am believing Him and trusting Him for a daughter as well. “Blessed is she who believed the Lord would fulfill His promise to her” Luke 1:45
You are blessed!
You are blessed!