Bianca Miller
Bianca Miller
What cut backs or adjustments did you make to be a stay at home mom?

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I don't get my hair highlighted anymore. We only go out for dinner once every 2 weeks instead of weekly or twice a week like we did in the past. Cut cable, found a better deal on internet by switching companies. We put everything on a cash back credit card and pay it off weekly. The cash back has come in handy. I don't buy any prepackaged meals, pretty much everything is from scratch. I shop sales and base my meals on what's on sale. I don't coupon much because I notice most coupons for food are things we don't actually need. I will use coupons for non-food items. We don't buy any junk food (soda, chips, etc.) even if it's on sale. We signed up for drive safe and save through our car insurance and we have saved quite a bit. I make a weekly meal plan and stick to it. I try to make sure we don't have any food waste. If we have left overs from dinner, we have it for lunch the next day.
28.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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