Just curious if anyone has ever experienced, or currently experiencing these pregnancy symptoms before missed period. 5 days ago I started having a constant lower back ache, and every day the pain/ache is getting a little more intense. As of today it’s mostly on my lower right side. I know it could also be early PMS signs but I NEVER get back ache like this or at all before my period, and it’s not due until July 1st-2nd. I spotted for a day everytime I wiped on Saturday the 16th, it was just light colored blood on the toilet paper. I never spot. I’m also getting mild nausea throughout the day, mostly when I’m hungry (which I’ve been hungry 24/7) and right after I eat. Horrible headaches on and off the past couple days and my body feels very weak & tired. Fingers crossed it’s early pregnancy symptoms because I don’t even remember how I felt before I found out I was pregnant with my daughter in 2016.

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I felt the breast tenderness and fatigue a few days before my pissed period.
27.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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