So far I have gained 70lbs I hold it ok since I am tall but I sure hope it doesn't take long to lose it. You look great and it has been hard not to stuff my face with everything until I hurt being full. Shame on me 🙄
@serildageistera666 I gained a lot of weight rapidly too, 20 lbs from 21-28 weeks, my dr told me I had to watch what I eat after that especially in the third trimester since you can gain so much more, easily. It's been a struggle but I've only gained a few more lbs than I should have. Been happy with my weight so far cause I gained 80 with my first 🙈 and only 40 so far with this one. It's so hard not to over enduldge in everything 😝
Same. But it traveled a little more up on me. I did gain rapid weight Also. I miss my prepregnancy body! It's so hard to move around lol. She should be out soon ❤️
@serildageistera666 yeah I'm lucky that this one hasnt given me any new ones and the old ones are camouflaged, my belly looked like a red road map by the end of my first oregnancy. My belly button has disappeared with this one it's either flat or the top of it sticks out depending how he's positioned lol
@serildageistera666 thank you it is pretty soft even though it's completely covered in stretch marks from my first and I haven't used lotion in weeks 🙈