Patricia Loza
Patricia Loza
So my oldest son starts kindergarten this year. These last few days I’ve been getting his enrollment and everything pretty much situated in that area. I was on Pinterest looking up lunches for kids, and I got overwhelmed with so much emotion, all kinds of different thoughts about leaving my kid with someone else and other kids. I’m Worried, Anxious. I’m scared, my baby is going to school where I can’t be there to protect him. (I’ve never left him with anyone other than his grandparents here and there) I thought of homeschooling but I also want to give him interaction with other children, but then I worry about bullies, teachers and anyone mistreating him even the slightest. I know I can’t shelter and protect him forever but if I could I would. My point is, how did you moms overcome fear and worry when it came to sending your child to school or daycare for the first time?

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@scasacca, thank you so much that really helps I have to just trust God and hope and pray my worries and fears never come true
26.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mommytonicolas, yeah I would love to volunteer too but probably wouldn’t be able to o have two babies also
26.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
As a kinder teacher and a mom, I can tell you most teachers spend the first few weeks letting the kids get comfortable in the class and allowing everyone to get to know each other. It can be a scary transition but most of my kiddos love coming to school!
25.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
With my son when he entered preK. I volunteered every chance I got. I got to know the teachers and the students. He’ll be going to Kinder this year and I’m hoping he’ll be with the same group of kiddos.
25.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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