When I received the epidural they messed up and now I have a spinal headache. Then they did a blood patch and it worked but now the headache is back and neck pain and I don’t know what to do 😩
@jasminemarie I should talk to my Dr... never knew anything could go wrong. Grrrr.... I have very bad and severe headachs too that reminds me of the procedure.
@bbyzvcy18, oh yes they mentioned it to me when they messed up that I might experience them so that’s why I got the blood patch but now there back and i thought the blood patch would’ve worked
Funny that you mentioned that... I got an epidural right before my Cesction about 2 weeks ago... after my baby came out i was experiencing some serious pulsing/throbbing headachs while they sew me back up. The nurses immediately gave me some medications for the headache and it went away but since then I've been getting these horrible neck and headach pains that reminds me of that one specific time. Maybe I should talk to my Dr. I didn't know there was such a thing as you mentioned. It feels horrible and increases PPD for me. I HATE IT!