2 cm dilated 😳
Feeling lots of pressure at times and some soreness in my vagina when I walk - lower back pains at times & stomach goes as hard as a basketball but no more fluid leaking out or mucous.
He is currently weighing 5lbs.
Fingers crossed my strong boy makes it to 36 weeks🤞🏽
@paigetaylor_95, I felt Braxton Hicks and he felt really low. I was starting to walk like a penguin. He arrived at 39+4 weeks. But I think my cervical check induced labour otherwise I may have gone past my due date
@jocomaric92, I’ve been laying down majority of today, had super bad back pains this morning then they let up after I had a nap & it feels like they’re starting back up again (of course now that it’s getting close to going to bed🙄)
I’m gonna try having a bath with Epsom salts and hopefully that will help the pain subside a bit!
I’m praying you make it to 36 weeks as well 🤞🏽 when I was pregnant with my first my water broke at 33 weeks and she was born at 35 weeks also, & weighing 4.13 lbs so here’s hoping I make it to 36 as well
Stay in there baby. If its possible you should lay down and not do anything 😁 I had my son at 35 weeks,he was 6.8 lbs and we stayed 7 days in Nicu. And I’m now 34 weeks and hope that this one will stay in until 36 weeks at least
Your post just gave me 🌞, know i know its normal what i am feeling. This vagina soreness is new and i wish it wud go away but i am excited that its getting closer.