@cmsolberg92, You're very welcome. & Oh no, that is the worst! My nurses were doing the opposite (pushing formula) and it really bothered me that they were pushing anything at all. I wish they would just be supportive of the mom's decisions in general. Like you, I felt like my baby was starving and he wouldn't latch so I went with formula at the hospital while trying to pump as well. The formula calmed him down so much so I knew it was the right thing to do and I instantly felt better. You're doing great! Just trust your instincts. You're the mama, not them!
@aengs2 thank you sooo much!! I appreciate the kind words. I finally threw a bit of an emotional fit because everyone kept pushing breast is best and keep trying and I have been for 2 days and he is starving and needs to eat! Finally got a nurse that understood and calmed me down and he finally got 5ml of formula and a bath and is now sleeping!!
@cmsolberg92, That's got to be so frustrating. I'm sorry you're going through that. It took my milk two days to come in and even then, there was not much. There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. My son thrived on it. There's also donor breastmilk if you feel more comfortable with that. No matter what you choose, you're a good mama if you make sure your baby is fed! Hang in there!
@aengs2 I ended up having an emergency c section 2 days ago and my milk still has not come in and I am only getting colostrum a little was a lot at first but now slowing down and he is not able to latch for me, I just feel defeated
I know a lot of people that have! I didn't produce much milk while pumping so I gave my son a mixture of breastmilk and formula until my milk dried up. Fed is best!