Any mommas out there that got pregnant again right after having a baby?? My son will be 5 months and I’m pregnant again.. lemme hear your thoughts and experience ❤️😊
I got pregnant when my first was 3 months old. They are 1yr and 5 days apart. It has been a crazy ride, we have no friends and our family lives 4hrs away, the only person close to us is my brother but he doesnt like kids and doesnt help us either... and to top it off SO works 12+hrs a day.
I wont lie and say its easy because it is not! but once you get the hang of it and get into a new routine you will be just fine..
I look back and think "how the hell did I even make it out the door with a toddler on my arms (she wasnt walking yet) a carseat with a newborn and a huge diaperbag?"
But I did! As a mom, especially as a mom with 0 help you find the strength you thought you didnt have and make things works!😉
I got pregnant again when ds1 was 3 months. My boys are 1 year and 9 days apart. If you have a health clinic near you, you could schedule an appointment with them and they can check to see if your pregnant.
@brittlloyd25 yeah I hate waiting too but that's just how it is. You can't see anything early in the pregnancy until like 5 or 6 weeks but every doctor is different.
@boymomx3, yeah my 5 month old was born at 36 weeks and 4 days but he’s 5 months and idk how far along I am I just found out yesterday I’m pregnant with a home test. But they won’t see me till I’m far along and I have my sono July 23 but I wanna know for sure I’m pregnant
@brittlloyd25 just high bp but I always have that when pregnant. I did have to do 2 1 hours and 1 3 hour with my youngest and a 24 hour urine. But they were both healthy when born! 37 &5 and 36 & 2
@skyy12221, well my pap came back abnormal I was suppost to have my colposcopy done the 28😕 idk if I can get it done my ob said they can’t see me for my first check up until my almost second trimester cause I have my appointment sono July 28th idk how far along I am because I have to wait until July 23 can’t I go to like a clinic and see how far along and see if it’s true I mean I took a home test and it said two lines but I wanna get a urine or blood to get real result my ob said those are accurate but they can’t see me till a certain time frame
@brittlloyd25 only hard thing was being completely exhausted cause I have a 3 year old too well he was 2 at the time he turned 3 right before he was born. So it was a 2 year old a 3 month old and pregnant again lol but no pregnancy complications or delivery complications either.