Aymee Vialpando
Aymee Vialpando
I need suggestions please🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I will be starting work soon only 2 days but the only problem is my baby is 6 months and he is just breastfeeding he used to take a bottle before I had my appendix removed and went through a stressful situation. Now he won’t take any. Any ideas of what or were to start? Any suggestion helps thank you!

#helpanewmommyout #please

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I'm in the same boat... 14 day back to work count down, won't take a bottle, tried 13 different bottles, other people, left the house.. I'm at a loss on what to do
25.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Leave him with someone else for a few hours and have them give a bottle. You may have to try a few different ones or just hope he takes what you have. Definitely don't be a around for a few feedings and see how that goes. Get a fluid syringe because he can still be fed that way in case he doesn't take a bottle. Since its hot here he shouldn't skip feedings and his caretaker should give the syringe if he doesn't accept a bottle. Its also important the person who is giving bottle knows how to do it all properly. See YouTube for proper method such as pace feeding.

He will probably get cranky without you and need more comforting as well. Leave behind a blankie or something that smells like you.
23.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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