Pregnancy weeks and months are so damn confusing!!! 🙃 I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow, am I 5 months of am I 6 months pregnant?!?!? 🤷🤰 Which time frame do you Mama's go by?!?!?
@vanessa89breanne of course. It was super confusing to me at first when I saw all the posts but then I remembered that what I am teaching is different from what I learned my first years of college and asked the ob and she told me what I told you above. :) and yep, congratulations! 😀
@aengs2 thank you!!!! And yes weeks are so less confusing!! Lol. I always wondered why most women would say weeks before I was pregnant, well now I know!!! Hahaha
@vanessa89breanne, Yes, its like birthdays. If I have an 18 month old, he's currently in his second year of life but he's not 2 years old until he actually reaches 24 months. So you can say he's 2 and a half years old. It makes sense if you think about it that way! So you can say you're about 5 and a half months pregnant. It's confusing for a lot of people so I always just tell people how many weeks I am.