I just completed my FIRST WORKOUT since my baby was born 6 1/2 weeks ago! I'm stoked!
Why did I start on a Thursday and not a Monday? Because I'm sick of wasting time. If I wait until Monday, that just sets me behind 4 extra days at eventually meeting my goal.
Speaking of goals, I do not intend to follow a meal plan. I'm a breastfeeding mother so I will maintain what I need to match my baby's needs while also being mindful of what I'm shoveling in my mouth. Also, I'm not putting any pressure on myself to lose the weight by any given time. Yes, I have 30lbs of baby weight I'd like to lose, but it took 9 months to put that on....I don't expect it to disappear right away either.
My goal is simple right now....get stronger for my children. And not just physically stronger, but mentally as well.
My babies deserve a happy, healthy Mommy and if I'm happy, they're happy. ❤