Feeling defeated rant. I just got back Sunday from my 5yr wedding anniversary. It was a great time and my husband and I were able to reconnect. Since getting back, it feels like there is nothing I can do right and he’s just nit picking everything. The day after we got back was the day he wanted to work on his workbench project for his garage which I was fine with but completely forgot when I got involved with catching up on house work and laundry. He decided to help me (which I didn’t ask for) which is why I forgot. By lunch time rather then mentioning he wanted to go work on his project, he started getting snarky and giving me attitude; without even telling me what was wrong. By supper time I finally got it out of him and he made me feel like a complete asshole. I gave him plenty of time to go get the supplies he needed so the next time he would have everything handy but he kept refusing because he didn’t have the blueprints done. I told him he has time to work on that, but apparently he wasn’t in the mood anymore. I apologized and told him that next time he should give a reminder especially if there was something he really wanted to do.
We just bought a new truck (that we picked up today) so on Tuesday we went in and I signed all the papers. We already knew how much the truck was and the monthly payments were as well as how my money the dealership was paying us for our old truck. The financial guy had the bill of sale with breakdown on a screen for us showing us everything. After signing the papers we didn’t get a hard copy of the bill of sale, and when we got home my husband got mad at me for not requesting it. He was quizzing me about the breakdown. All I remembered was the monthly payments and what we were getting paid. He started giving me attitude about not remembering the breakdown. Yet he was in the room with me. He claimed it was because our kids were with us.
Wednesday I made a special trip on my lunch break to get the hard copy of the bill of sale. When I gave it to him all I got was “you didn’t have to”. After I asked him to look at it to show me what number he was wondering about, it was just how they had put the payout on the sheet to see if we would save taxes. Which we did and knew because it’s our friend that sold us the truck.
Today We picked up the truck. All I got was snarky comments. We opted out of life insurance and he told me that I could only die after the truck was paid off (he meant it as a joke until he gave me the exact date I was allowed to die). Then when I was grabbing something from the truck my son snuck up behind me and I accidentally back up and he feel backwards. My husband started talking about how big my ass is. On the way home with the new truck it was almost time for him to go to work so I offered to drive him and pick him up. He got all snarky telling me he doesn’t want to rely on me and would rather drive his own vehicle.
I figured it was because we were getting a new truck but this was his idea. I traded in my dream avalanche to get this Silverado. I’m just so frustrated and upset with the change of attitude and just needed to rant.