Moms! I need advice/suggestions. My almost 17 month old can be really
Mean sometimes. She has been grabbing other kids faces at school for no reason. She tried to grab the teachers face too. She usually only acts this way with me. I try everything to reprimand her and nothing works. It makes me feel so bad. Could it just be a phase or something more? It seems so unprovoked sometimes. Going to bring it up with doc at her 18 month visit. It honestly worries me something could be wrong with her.

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You can’t really discipline an 18mo because they don’t understand punishment. It’s certainly a phase. A stern NO and redirection or removal from the situation is the best approach for this situation. Def don’t feel bad— just keep redirecting and she will eventually move on to some other phase! It’s frustrating but it’ll pass 😊
21.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@skymomof4, it’s ok, I am just in a bad mood at work now because she was doing that. I just don’t understand why, did your son do it unprovoked? Sometimes she does it out of anger but other times she just does it and I chalk it up to being bratty.
21.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@skymomof4, didn’t you read I tried everything with her when she did it with me? I’ve tried a smack on the hand, timeout, no no, nice hands, etc. nothing works. So I have tried to stop it with me many times.
21.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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