Hi girls i have a question im pretty scared, as of now im 9 days late 3 test positives and me n my bf just had sex and im bleeding is that normal? Ive never had this has anyone experienced this before? Pls let me know im so scared to loose the baby
@vero323 Definetly see your doctor to check and see if hcg is rising like it should, like Beaky suggested. It could be a lot of different things. I'll keep you In my prayers. Let me know how your appt goes tomorrow.
@vero323 a chemical is when your egg gets fertilized but doesnt stick for whatever reason. So you may see positive tests, but then your lines may fade away. And the pregnancy doesnt progress. You go on to start your period.
@vero323, I had a chemical back in March (3rd round of Clomid) Was just like getting a light period a few days after getting a positive test. You don’t pass a bunch of tissue or anything as your not far enough along. Then my tests faded to negative. I’m not saying this is the case for you, but it’s a possibility. Probably best to make an appt to have your HCG blood draw so they can confirm pregnancy and that your levels are rising.
@vero323 good luck at your appointment. Its probably due to you having sex. Thats what it was for me. But every pregnancy is different and so just because thats whatbit was for me, doesnt mean thats what it is for you. But sex can cause bleeding in early pregnancy, its the number one cause of it actually.
@angikay, omg thats so scary but it ease my worries a bit i have kids already n never experienced this before which i know every pregnancy is different but im glad to know eveythin is goin well for u it is something u cant control not to worry about but hope all goes well for both of us thanks soo much for ur reply🙏🏽