One week until my first ultrasound. So hopeful that everything looks ok this time! Last time (in Feb) there was an enlarged yolk sac and low HR. Please please please be different this time! 🙏🏼
@kimberly810 We could see sac with yolk sac. They like to check early to make sure baby is in the right place. Also, see how many are there. Then, 6.5 weeks is to see heartbeat. My R.E. hands you off after that.
@momof3qtpies, were they able to see anything at 5.5 weeks? I wish I could have done 5.5 and 6.5, although I’d probably be a mess if I didn’t see much (or things didn’t look ok) at 5.5 weeks. I just want to knowwwwww already!
@momof3qtpies, that would be nice if I had an ultrasound at 5.5 weeks. I would be going in now! I have to wait until 6.5 weeks. 😭 but now that I’ve matured to the IVF ways, I think it’ll be good for my sanity. I will just worry if there is something actually wrong by 6.5 weeks as we know it should be Ok by then. This pregnancy is so different. I don’t feel as debilitated and tired. Hope that’s a good sign!
My doctor does ultrasounds at 5 1/2 weeks and 6 1/2 weeks. You have a long wait. I was always more relaxed when appointment were not close. Day before, I would start to worry. That gets better though once you can feel the baby moving.
@kimberly810, I think everything will be fine! And I too seem to have less symptoms this time. Some nausea but not a ton of queasiness. Overall pretty mild. I did gag suddenly after trying to satisfy a cold stone craving. Lol! Then I heaved occasionally as we drove home. Lol.
You know what I was thinking? That you and I may not have worked because we were very overstimulated with OHSS with the fresh. I think especially since we are PCOS ladies, our bodies were flooded with hormone. It’s nice in some ways because we get a LOT of eggs, but I think it hurts us in a sense that our bodies are not at the optimal hormone level to sustain a pregnancy very well. I think my estrogen was over 5k I think? I forgot. But it was super high. And I know my body was so full of sugar. And well, you know sugar from Gatorade is the enemy for anyone with PCOS. Soooooo... all of this long windedly telling you that your baby will be fine! You had excellent excellent eggs! And this one survived the thaw! So I can’t wait to see your ultrasound! ❤️
@momof3qtpies, I hope so!!! Tick tock, tick tock... July 5th is forever from now. Wahhhh. A week and 3 days. Hahaha. Thankfully I’ve been super busy! And it’s nice feeling something. 😊
Once you have your baby, time flies. You will have forgotten all about these waiting periods. And also realize how much you really did not mind waiting. It is all so worth it.
You are the sweetest. And what you’ve said makes a ton of sense. I’m feeling ok. Boobs are sore (but they always are the second half of my cycle), some mild cramping here and there, random mild nausea. I felt sicker last time, but last time didn’t work out, so maybe it’s a good sign? My butt is so sore from the shots, but they aren’t that bad otherwise. I just hope and pray that things look normal this time.
@kimberly810, yeah, my clinic is the same as yours for initial scan. It’s at 6.5 weeks😭. Initial beta is At 9dp5dt! It’s nice because you get confirmation early, but I feel like the second 2.5w wait is more torturesome! For me recently, I’ve been able to implant, it’s just never been viable after 8 weeks. I think out of the 4 MCs I’ve had, I’ve only seen one heartbeat briefly and that one perished! Sooo waiting until July 5th is torture! But then again, I’m not sure if I would feel better if I went in a week before and saw something not quite good. You know? If they couldn’t find it or like you the yolk sac was enlarged or something. I would worry for that next week. So... I think I understand now why some REs schedule the betas so late. It really makes the second part of the wait not as bad because you’ve had confirmation later. Like right now, I’m clueless as to how my baby is doing. And the last Beta at 11dp5dt was 225. Eek! You can’t even see anything in ultrasound unless you’re at least 1000. So there we are! Lol. Thankfully I still have symptoms and definitely feel something precious in my uterus, and have enlarged sensitive boobs. I started to feel a tad bit queasy this morning but I really don’t have an appetite. I’ve been under an immense amount of stress lately so that may not helped! 😅.
How’re you feeling hon? You’re ultrasound is around the corner! Can’t wait to hear!
@l-cubed, how many weeks will you be? My clinic has us come in at 6.5 for the initial scan. The wait doesn’t seem as long because I had to wait until THIRTEENdp5dt. Ridiculous!