Cheyenne Baker
Cheyenne Baker
Where are all my momma's that have had more than one C-section? I would like to hear your experience on how the second time went compared to the first? How was it healing with another child already at home. Did you breastfeed? Etc. Any info and tips would be great. We tried as hard as we could for vbac but it just wasn't in our cards unfortunately.

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Oh! Also I got to hold both babies and breastfeed both/skin on skin immediately after leaving the OR. I got to kiss and see them while I was getting stitched and with my second I got a tubal and was able to spend time with him while I was getting it with my husband holding him.
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@cheyenneb2016, you’ll do great. The hardest part honestly was the emotional side of everything, but my second was colicky and my first was still sooo young. You’ll be fine and if you need anything just message me 💙
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sarahbethk awesome this gives me hope! Thank you so much!
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@cheyenneb2016, girl I swept my floor the day I got home 😂 I only stayed 48 hours, I checked myself out a day early bc baby and I were doing great. I didn’t limit picking up my son. From my own personal feelings I couldn’t tell my little boy no, mommy can’t pick you up, because I knew it’d really hurt his feelings. So I just sat down and held him if he needed me or I picked him up and just sucked up the slight discomfort. I really wasn’t too uncomfortable anyways
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lillys.mommy awesome! my first was emergency so things didnt go as expected especially it being my first and now I go in for my second tomorrow With a baby that's held out to almost 42 weeks. So I was looking to see what all other mommies were offered especially in a non emergency situation.
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sarahbethk how long was your stay for the second? And how did you handle picking up your oldest little once you got home?
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
The second is way easier then the first. My first was an emergency. Second was planned and I requested a spinal instead of an epidural and it was much better. I got baby as soon as he was cleaned up. I was able to try to nurse while I was being stitched up but it was difficult since I was laying flat still. I suggest night gowns for after and ask for extra hospital undies to take home. Most docs even offer the clear curtain so you can watch baby come out! 😊
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I healed faster for my last 2.
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had two c sections 14 months apart. My recovery was easy both times, and honesty the second was even easier than the first. I tried to breastfeed both, but didn’t last long. It was really hard with a toddler and a newborn for the first couple months but got easier as you find things that work for you. For example, I got stuff done when my toddler was in his high chair and my baby was napping or in his swing or bouncer.
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@littleonemorning did you get your little right away after surgery? My first I didn't because he was early and needed to go to the nursery because of some complications so I was wondering if I'll get to see the baby immediately.
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Honestly, second c section was a breeze. I was up and moving within hours of surgery. And we are breastfeeding. It is hard having another child at home, but I just tried to keep him occupied when needed, like nursing or using the bathroom lol
20.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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