Cloth diapering? What brand/style do you find works best? Is there a pre wash before they get run through the washer? How many total should i buy?

We want to cloth diaper our next baby and i need to know everything!

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We use pockets during the day and flats/fitted with a cover at night. I have a lot of different brands. China cheapies, Alva, Sunbaby, Mama Koala, Bum Genius, Rumparooz, Kawaii... and others.

Wash routine is shortest cycle first for prewash, the longest for main wash. You can always check fluff love university for the specific wash routine for your specific washer. I use Tide or Purex (powder). Depends on which is on sale.

I have way too many diapers. For 2 in cloth I have about 90 diapers. I was fine with around 30 for one child, washing every 2-3 days.
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
We use pockets. Mostly China cheapies, tbh. I looove charcoal inserts but use mf too since they came with my alvas and I got an awesome deal. We use foca detergent or tide. I do cold rinse,hot wash, cold rinse. I have about 35 diapers. The ladies in the cloth group are AMAZING and so helpful!
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить

Here’s the link to the cloth diapering group. 😊
19.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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