Well couldn’t get an answer yet from my gynecologist I’m waiting for them to call me back if they don’t by 930 I’m calling back I’m really having any really bleeding it’s basically spotting since Sunday night before bed had cramps on Sunday night where it started and th it stopped cramping then last night had a bit of cramping for a few min and that hurt and then it went away again and I’m still spotting what’s going on and now I’m cd 21
My implantation bleeding with my daughter was like a normal period. Heavy bright red bleeding for 5 days. Didnt find out i was pregnant until the secons month because I mistaked it for a period. My secone baby I didnt have implantation bleeding , only implantation cramping, and. I miscarried that baby last year in August at 11 weeks. Now I'm pregnant again , 8 weeks 2 days, and I didnt have implantation bleeding .. But I did have cramping again. Implantation bleeding isnt as common as others think. It only occurs In about 20 percent of women who are pregnant.
@angikay, waiting for the result right now I called them will be probably get an answer at the end of the day it’s still barely bleeding really but it’s still reddish pinkish
Some of my periods hsve no clots. Sometimes it's just spotting anf no heavy bleeding. Every since I had a miscarriage last year, my periods have been weird. I'm pregnant now.. But just wanted to let you know that it very well could be totally normal wonky af cycle. If it came early , maybe u ovulated earlier than usual. Or it may have been ovulation spotting. Do you track ovulation ?
With no clots that’s not normal if it was gonna be a period it should still have clots and I’m not having any and it started cd 19 I have a 28 day cycle so I’m waiting on my gynecologist