▪️First Job- Red Lobster
▪️Dream Job-Ob/Gyn
▪️Astrological Sign -Gemini eeeeooowww
▪️Favorite pizza- pepperoni and banana pepper
▪️Favorite dog-Brownie
▪️Favorite footwear- Socks
▪️Favorite candy- Kit kats
▪️Favorite Ice Cream-Chunchy cookie dough
▪️Pet peeve-I have to many to name
▪️What vehicle do you drive- 2018 Subaru BRZ
▪️ How tall are you- 5'1
▪️Favorite tv show- Shameless
▪️Lefty or Righty- Lefty
▪️Dream Vacation- Hawaii
▪️Favorite kind of music- depends on the day
▪️Favorite Holiday- Thanksgiving I love to eat
▪️Night Owl or Early Bird- neither. I’m an afternoon person
▪️Favorite day of week- Friday
▪️Tattoos & how many- Yes, 4
▪️Piercings & how many- Yes, 6
▪️Like to cook- eh
▪️Can you drive a stick shift? Nope
▪️Favorite color- Baby blue
▪️Do you like vegetables- One or Two
▪️Do you wear glasses- Yea but I’m not blind
▪️Favorite season- Spring