Whitney Fysh
Whitney Fysh
Update on my wonky OPK situation.. tested this morning with a pregnancy test and I got a clear negative. I would be about 11/12DPO. No sign of my period so I’m gonna assume I actually ovulated last week instead. Testing this Saturday before I leave for vaca. 😎☀️ I’m about 4/5DPO right now. I will keep you all updated if I’m pregnant or not! 🤰🏼❤️

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@lauren_leigh no it's not it's super rare I asked about it to multiple doctor's it's because my hormone levels aren't at a normal level as the average women. I did look into it because I was concerned they were wrong but with the follow up appointments I had they did more ultrasounds and a week after the one after the positive test is when they found the embro they couldn't give an exact day the implantation happened just that it had and I was monitored a lot threw that pregnancy. nothing is IMPOSSIBLE just highly unlikely or super rare. So do some research of your own everything is not an exact science
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mom13, I’m not saying you weren’t pregnant but it is literally impossible to get a positive test before implantation. No need to get rude. Do some research. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE. You can have anywhere from 0-5 hcg in your system at anytime. Usually women with hcg if 5 are premenopausal. Anything under 5 is considered not pregnant levels. So maybe that’s where the confusion came from, idk. I’m not saying you were never pregnant and never had a son.. all I’m saying is that it is 100% absolutely impossible that a positive hcg test came before implantation.
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lauren_leigh excuse me but they didn't mess it up if you weren't at the hospital how would you know and on top of it they did monitor me and I was pregnant I have a son
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mom13, they must have messed your test up then. It is absolutely impossible to test positive before implantation happens. Hcg will not start to rise until AFTER implantation.
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I didn't think so either but because of the amount of pain I was in they did a vaginal ultrasound the egg wasn't in my uterus yet and so they monitored me for like a month almost two my next vaginal ultrasound showed that the egg had implanted shortly after that I had been put on bed rest for a month for early signs of a miscarriage after that was three weeks bed restrictions but I had my little boy hes a healthy two yr old noe and now I'm pregnant again we weren't even trying this timr but it is so much easier with this little boy this time around i was shocked that I was even Pregnant I figured I was so stressed I didn't get my period and didn't think anything of it till I started having morning sickness and other symptoms by then I was like 9 weeks I believe
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mom13, I didn’t think it was possible to test positive before implantation? HCG isn’t released until the baby is already implanted. At least that’s what my doctor told me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ with all my other kids I just knew I was, but I don’t feel that right now. I honestly wanted to start trying in a few months. I wanted to lose some weight and get healthier and then try to sway for a girl. I guess we’ll see!
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yeah every one and every pregnancy is different with my son I tested positive before implamtation the only reason I was test was because I showed up at the hospital in so much pain I was sweating turns out I was passing a kidney stone
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mom13, really?! I always get a positive at like 9/10DPO. I really don’t feel pregnant but I guess we’ll see!
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Good luck I know with my daughter I didn't show positive on a test till I was 7/8 weeks pregnant
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@mom13, I planned on it!! I have 10 wondfo tests I was going to take and I bought a 2 pack of first response. I was going to take one Saturday morning and then if it’s negative take another on Tuesday or Wednesday morning.
18.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Take a test with you might show up while ur on vacation wouldn't that be an awesome surprise
17.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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