@mz.foy14, that she is she drives me insane but I love her more than I ever knew possible. If you can get some rest cause hopefully tonight is your night
@mz.foy14, heck yeah I still had a whole week before she was supposed to come thank God my doctor was already concerned about her. She was only 4lbs 14.5oz she was healthy as could be but just a little peanut
@mz.foy14, yes with my daughter I got induced which was a good thing cause when she came out her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and her foot but I was really hoping to just be natural this time but it’s not looking good . God bless you and your baby I hope all goes well for you and hopefully you get to meet baby very soon
@nlock I hope you have him before then... I got induced once and wish I didn't have to. Either way, praying for a healthy baby and speedy, safe delivery.
@mz.foy14, lucky!!!! I’ve been walking, doing squats, using the ball, eating spicy foods, sex everything and nothing AT ALL lol i had contractions the other night but not regular enough to be kept at the hospital. If I don’t have him on my own they induce on Monday 😩😩
@mz.foy14, ohh you were due the 10th ? I was due the 9th!!! It’s terrible I’ve been doing everything to get this child out lol kids they are just stubborn