Gonna be long, sorry but thank you in advance.
When did labor begin for you?
I'm a ftm and today I went for a check up, I'm 37 weeks. The doctor said I am 1.5cm dilated, "call it 2" and 30% effaced. She said she felt 2 contractions in ten minutes (abdomen hardening) so she wanted to do a non stress test. I didn't feel the contractions, they didn't hurt. So as I was being monitored, the baby's heart dropped to 126 once in 15 mins. The doctor was very concerned and said she wanted to admit me, I declined, she asked if I had eaten and I told her no. She told me to go get some food and come back in 45 mins.
After I ate, she hooked me up again, this time the baby's heartbeat was fine, but the monitor picked up "very strong contractions" she thought I was in pain. I told her I didn't even know I was having contractions. Yet again she felt that the best move was to send me to the hospital as I am experiencing these contractions and 1.5 to 2 cm dilated and 30% effaced. I once again declined, because I was not in any pain and I'm only 1.5 dilated and people walk around like that for weeks and I wasn't in labor. She said it was "latent labor" and if I went to the hospital they would "augment" me and I could "have the baby as soon as tomorrow morning." I told her I'd just let it progress naturally and if I was in pain or started leaking fluids or bleeding I'd go to the er.
The thing is, she's going on vacation next week and I felt like she just wanted to deliver the baby before she left. In your opinion, should I have gone to the hospital and let them... how I feel... rush the labor?
So if I'm 3 cm and the baby is fine and I am fine, would there be a need to speed up labor?