Hi all moms, mommies to be, or trying to conceive. With our first baby due in just 4 weeks, I am going to part time at my current job after maternity leave. I have been using Arbonne products the last year and all during my pregnancy and I absolutely love them. I feel like I am providing me and my baby the best nutrition, every day. I also feel these products are going to be essential in my recovery from child birth/postpartum. It is important to me to have the nutrition and energy I need to be a good mom and wife after our little miss arrives. I am also looking forward to running my business from the comfort of my rocking chair snuggling my sweet babe! If some extra income from the comfort of your rocking chair sounds intriguing or getting your health on track before summer comes or if you just feel like you need a "reset", please contact me. My sister (a huge Arbonne success story after having 3 girls) and I are having a virtual Arbonne event tomorrow night at 8. Tell hubby to watch the kids and give yourself 30 minutes to join the fun, learning about these safe, beneficial, botanically based products. Please contact me if interested and I will add you to the virtual. Information only, no obligation to buy. Try any product for 45 days and if you are not satisfied, simply return for a full refund. www.kathydietrich.arbonne.com
Have a great day!