@kimberly810, I’m in the same boat. I’m hoping the symptoms kick in soon. I’ve been have cramping and it scares me that something bad gonna happen. Even with everyone saying that it’s normal I’m still scared. 😔 I also spent 3+ years preventing and then 2.5 years to even see a BFP and now I’m terrified it won’t stick 😭
@baby04ever, yep! My first if it sticks and is healthy! Who knew that I’d still be trying for #1 after 5 years. Wish I wouldn’t have wasted all that energy on preventing in the past 😂
I kind of hope I get mild MS or some other sign that I’m pregnant. I know that’s crazy, but I just need something to remind me that things are ok. Although I know MS doesn’t mean that... Ugh. The things we have gone through.
According to my last cycle I’m 5 weeks 1 day. But I’m pretty positive I conceived 5/28, my cycles are longer then the norm, so it would put me at 4 weeks 2 days also 😍
@expectinggreatness, I love checking to see how you’re doing, since you were my original due date buddy! I’m so glad things are going well. It gives me hope! ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations!🎉🎈I’m sitting at a whopping 15w1d. I’m crossing my fingers that you don’t end up with ms although if it’s mild then you’ll be spared the misery.