I also hate it. Kiddo is still on baby food so mom can have cereal for dinner still. Lol I only have time and energy to meal prep and cook every other week or so. Then I go nuts but it's like 7 days worth of the same 3 meals. Lol
If you have an iPhone try the app called Favoreats. It has streamlined the whole meal planning process. It syncs to your Pinterest recipe boards And you get to see what your friends and family are making too so you can get recipe ideas from them as well. Then with just a few clicks you have your week planned out and it automatically generates your shopping list! I have been using it for about a month now and I love it!!!
@leenie, I tried to make a weekly menu but still couldn’t think of anything after 3 days. I love crockpot meals but I’m not always home all day and am nervous to leave it on when I’m not home.
@bodybycheetos, that is a good idea but honestly I just can’t think of things to make lol. I feel like I make the same stuff all the time I just spread it out lol.
Make a menu. When you make a menu, list the ingredients you need and add them to your grocery list. It saves you money and you don't have to worry about what's for dinner. I end up switching dinner days if I need to, but for the most part I love my schedule.