I’m currently in my bed crying. Today’s my baby shower and I have to cook and clean. My SO was late to work and My brother decided not to sleep last night even though he is my helper. We are letting him stay here so he can get clean before joining the navy. But he told me he went with a friend and he slipped him Xanax and has weed to sell and he smelt and looked liked he smoked. So he is lying and brought weed into my house with my bfs kids 😥 and I went to my room and smelled pee bc my bfs son peed his bed again 😢😢😢 so already stressed and I’ve been up an hour.

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@sierrapw23 damn girl! This is tough all around because Xanax is in the picture. That’s an issue. He cant be a pill popper and be in the military. He has to want better for himself and he need not disrespect you, your children, or your home again with this shit.
11.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@queenmeeks, our kids are here and he had Xanax too!!! Not just weed. I definitely have a problem with that.
11.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@queenmeeks, he hasn’t even talked to a recruiter yet. He’s supposed to do that with our nana. But I said there is no point unless you stay clean! And he agreed and didn’t smoke at all! And then he disappeared all night and gets back at 6 am high as fuck 😥 I didn’t know what to do so I told him to go sleep and I’d wake him up before the party but oh my gosh! I mean I have no problem with weed. Me and my SO smoke (we’ll not me at all now 😊) but when we don’t have the kids. But we never smoke in the house or keep it out of a jar. But with Grey here (my brother) he has our house smelling like it and I’m going around Lysol lemoning everything
11.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@sierrapw23 I understand being disappointed! I would be as well. Doesn’t make any sense to want to do something like join the military and essentially tow the line of throwing it away. When is he supposed to ship out?
11.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@juggalette, @queenmeeks, it’s easy to kick him out I just don’t understand why he would do this when this is the end of a whole clean month with us and he was helping and so great with the kids and everything. He is supposed to go live with our nana tomorrow. So I’m like out of all days!? Why!? So I’m just taking deep breaths. He is 18 btw. He’s my baby brother so I’m just disappointed in him. And that he felt he had to lie.
11.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Well you need to get your brother out of your home. Easier said than done I know, but he clearly has no respect for your home or anyone that resides in it. If he was serious about joining the military, he wouldn’t be slipping up. Better hope he cleans up before he ships out or he’s gonna get the boot before he even starts day zero.
11.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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