Prune juice, apple juice, belly rubs, warm bath, drink some warm water, moving babies legs while she lays on her back (push knees up to chest and back down and repeat for a few minutes), and if those all fail you can try Vaseline on a q tip and go around babies butt hole (I know gross but it works.. don’t even need to have the cotton part go all the way in.. just enough to stimulate the area) my son is alwayssss constipated and he’s 4.. he has had issues since he was only a month old so I have had to do all the things I listed.. but if you try them all and still nothing call the dr and they may say to try a glycerin suppository or a baby enema but don’t try those until they say it’s safe ❤️ good luck momma!!
@symone. Sorry:) meant how long has bub been constipated for? Is bub passing hard little nugget like poops? If it's been a while since bub was able to do a poop and the typical belly rub warm bath hasn't worked then any of the above suggestions will hopefully help.
I would hold off on solids until 6 month's (unless advised otherwise by your dr). If there is a family history of food sensitivities then often holding off and giving the gut more time to mature can help in the long run.
@ecahanes, ok. about how many time a through out the week? I’m just sensitive to foods as well as skin sometimes and she is already taking those traits from me so I’m just stressing giving her foods just yet.