@sailortorii, my mom is my go to person to send them over night but that only happens once a month, my other person is my sister who really only watches my kids if I have any kind of appointment.
My husband has been working out of town for two months and the only 2 people I fully trust to watch my kids have been out of town for 2 weeks now....😭😭😭
It’s hard af right now. It’s just me, I work one day a week, share a car with my mom and half the time it’s too hot to even walk around the block.. honestly I just need a few hours without my son, time to myself or with other adults but my “friends” are just people I used to party with, not real friends so it’s a struggle. Plus living in a tiny two bedroom apt with my mother, son, and dog can be a little much.. starting to feel like I need my therapist again..
need a lot of time out the house that how I got over it. Just go for drive with baby or go get coffee. Or go to baby and me classes.
Been mommy it one of the hardest job ever. Just be strong and talk to someone about how you feeling.